
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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What does friendship mean to you? What should your friend be like? Do you have a lot of friends?

I don't actually have a lot of friends, or at least not a lot of close friends. My closest friends are @Kayahja and @deffkeee actually, because the're the ones I can trust fully with everything in my life tbh.
Liked by: Kaiaya.
+3 answers Read more

Hey! I want to make me a patreon but before that you can tell me how it works? Like I can send you my videos and you see them or things like that?

Heyy! It depends on which pack you buy! You can have a look at the different rewards and they tell you what you will get with them. I do feedback, advice & mentoring with the $20 "Charmentor" pack, so that's where you add me on Skype or Discord and you can send me whatever you are editing and I help out and give you advice, or sometimes I even do screenshare calls to teach you stuff if you need further help. And with that pack you also get the rewards from all the previous packs. So for example, if you buy the $10 pack, you get the rewards from that pack and from every cheaper pack, in this case the first 3 reward packs. I hope this makes sense, if not you can always ask me more or message me on twitter or instagram :)

Hey Char! From where did you get your hd photos for icon and headers?

heyaa, i dont think any of them are actually HD hahah, but i got tem from online gallery sites, like i just type in ariana grande gallery and theres a few sites with a bunch of photos sorted out by photoshoots, candids, performances etc.

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what would you say is your weak point in editing? do you want to improve on it?

hmm, my pATIENCE. And like cleanliness?? i always feel like my stuff doesnt look professional enough, i really wanna work that.

What are your plans, your ambitions for the next two and a half years?

wELL if you really wanna know, i want to find a full-time job so i can start saving up money for the next two years while i finish university, and as of today im actually in touch with a private film school in canada that i might attend?? literally the freshest idea, just formed today because they legit called me up this afternoon from freaking vancouver i was like new phone whO DIS??? iS DIS MY DREAMS CALLING?? honestly i was shooketh, but i do hope i get to be in canada in two and a half years whether it be that film school or doing a masters or even just finding a job there in the film industry (least likely to happen without studying there first though hahah).
also can i point out this question is so specific whY?? who are you, do you know me?
Liked by: StaticLines

How are you willing to spend your summer vacation?

i just wanna go home.
and i was gonna have a vidder meetup for my vacation at my grandma's house but idk if it will work out anymore, everyone seems to be busy or they cant come.
Liked by: Skedaddler

What is one song you want to vid to but haven't because it's too overused

i dont think ive ever really restricted myself in that way, hahah, if i like the song and have an idea i haaaaave to edit it no matter if anyone edited it before or not xD
Liked by: Skedaddler

U have any time or day to upload your videos or you just do that without think?

I don't really mind the day, I try to upload on weekends if I can. And I usually upload in the evening by the UK timezone

When was the last time you wrote a letter?

I just wrote like 5 cover letters for job applications. Is it bad that out of all the jobs I applied to I really hope to get a job at the Funeral Arrangement company?

is there anyone you don't know personally that you'd like to collab with?

mmm there's loads of people i would love to collab with but u know, time and willpower are two things i dont have

Hiyaaa! How are you? Would you do me the honor of joining my summer collab? The song is Alive by Krewella and the deadline is June 21st c:

Heyaa, sorry ive joined one too many cllabs recently, i dont think ill have the time :(
Liked by: Elise
+1 answer Read more

What's your today midnight thoughts ?

Currently experiencing severe Bonkai feels. *insert meme of baby girl saying "help."*
ALSO, I'm thinking of hosting a collab for when I reach 20k subs because I have a really cool song I wanna use for it and now I'm just listening to it on repeat and tryna think of what theme I'll wanna do for it. So excited now fkdsjhkjhdfskj

Lolo's QOTD : Do you believe in lithotherapy ? If yes, do you own stones or crytals related to that ? ?✨

Yess i do! My mom has loads of them and my grandma actually used to make little sculptures with different crystals in them, mainly to like affect the 'radioactiveness' of technology since my family is always around phones or laptops so i have those with me.
Liked by: Loréleï.

If you would meet someone in reality from ask fm..what would you tell her? Mayb she can be ur crush.. Or u can..

i mean ive already met almost everyone ive wanted to meet on here. i still wanna meet my wife @EvieSnuggle but her parents are strict so im gonna have to kidnap her at some point. also @Barbee130 i might meet her this summer and @frayslightwood is coming to me next month!! im super excited for that actually

Did you enjoy the new season of your favorite show?

i dont really know what my favorite show is at the moment

What do you like more: to make a videos on the series or characters?

hmmm characters probably. i dont really like editing a series tbh


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