
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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hey! i was wondering if u had a link to download scream queens episodes ? i'm trying not to use torrents :/

i dontt, im sorry xD i only have the first twp episodes anyway.. didnt get to find the rest yet

before you became an editor, would u consider yourself a gamer before? and what type of games do u play?

absolutely not xD
Lol the only game I ever continuously played was The Sims 3... I still do sometimes. But now I've also played more games in the past year or two like The Walking Dead, Life is Strange, Bioshock Infinite (didnt get too far cuz it bored me) and I also played DayZ and Dead Island with Sophie :D And Assassins creed III with my brother hahah loved that one!

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Which season (of tv-show) that started this fall 2015 are you enjoying the most? Why?

rockrose92’s Profile PhotoRebecca
Well I think the only thing I'm watching that's airing this fall is Scream Queens... I haven't really been able to download anything else xD And I also watched Fear the Walking Dead. I started TWD as well, but I think I'm gonna have to catch up with that when I get home because I don't wanna bother people to send me episodes of that AS WELL.
So yeah SQ & FTWD :)
Liked by: Rebecca

Hey char I was wondering if i'm done with my collab part if I can post it on my channel? or no

You can, jusst make sure you send it to me as well - the way described in the rules :)

Hi Char! well i'm just here to tell you that my part of focus it's done, but i don't understand...i need to use the coloring you put? because my group it's "colors" and i put a coloring of mine, please tell me what to do. :s

Yeah, you need to use the coloring ive uploaded for everyone, you can add color corrector secondary or color replace, but uee it on the coloring i gave for it.

how did you learn english so well?

idk, i guess cuz i always had a chance to speak a lot? like i went to a school for languages and most my teachers were canadian and australian, that's why i kinda lean towards the american/canadian accent most, but sometimes ill do that australian ''nouuuu'' or ''oouuukay'' xD

Can I use your coloring for the Focus Contest in other videos? I didn't saw in Purfectors so I don't know if you already shared that one. I always credit you when I use your colorings, this time would be no different :)

yes, of course you can! i love it when people use my colorings xD

which programme do you use? :)

sony vegas pro 13, mostly! but for saving colorings or rendering scenes that dont work in 13, i use sony vegas pro 10, and for some bits and pieces of effects or making icons or gifs, i also use photoshop :)
Liked by: Natalii More

awww yeyy!! you are beautiful.. and funny and sooo cute and very good at vidding <3 ı wish i'd know youu hunnie

lmaooo yayy!
thank you lol <3<3 i appreciate your words aw :)

Hey, sorry if this is a stupid question but for the focus comp, I was just wondering if you could get marked down if you used quite a bit of text/typography even if you aren't in that group? Thanks :)

LMAO well considering how our first judging session went yesterday... Yes, yes you could. Some people think that putting your entire folder of overlays and ideas and effects and fonts (please, I encourage you to use simple fonts and not more than 3 or 2 seriously) into a tiny 10 second collab part makes it look good. It doesn't.
I have to say that our first session of judging yesterday was actually quite hilarious, and some of our judges' comments were priceless. However, our heads ended up hurting a little cuz of the actual potential most of these entries have, but then they kinda get ruined in the most ridiculous ways.
BUT YES, you can get marked down for that. Try to focus on representing YOUR group as best as you can. If your typography is impressive, then go for it, but please make sure you know what typography means before you unleash on it.

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Liked by: Thata

You don't have to answer this, just a little info about my last question. Number 8 is still about what the vidder you picked thinks about HIMSELF. In this case, his videos. It's not your opinion, all is about him. I think some people are misunderstanding that. Have fun! :)

ohhhhh.... 2 minutes too late. BUT WELL, I suppose it's her fave video as well?? :S :D

Thata Questions Challenge: Pick a vidder of your preference and answer the questions: http://ask.fm/thaiscollywogs/answer/132534375895

LMAO okay well I decided to do this for Dev.... :D
→ DEV @Deffkeee
1 Strongest skill - fangirling. #sorrynotsorry
2 Time to finish a video - way too long, she keeps losing inspiration.
3 Tbh, the very young version of Ariana grade, with like the dark curly hair. Gorg. (+ I have a bit of a crush on Dev, no homo.)
4 Favorite character - AT THE MOMENT, it's Nathan Prescott from the game Life is Strange. But I think in general, it's Kai Parker :)
5 OTP - Bonkai & Thydia :)
6 One TV show for the rest of their life - Sense 8! xD
7 Something Dev's obsessed with??? -takes out a 1000 page book with a list- Hahahah no okay, currently, Nathan Prescott, Life is Strange, Sense8, Thydia, BonkaiObsessedx <3
→ Who are you not to be? by iDeffinix
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4h3mqRHeK0charizzaard’s Video 133118389113 T4h3mqRHeK0charizzaard’s Video 133118389113 T4h3mqRHeK0

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charizzaard’s Video 133118389113 T4h3mqRHeK0charizzaard’s Video 133118389113 T4h3mqRHeK0
Liked by: Thata Sweetie2566


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