
char from afar

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who's Charlotte?

She's a full grown woman who is literally almost an official woman, because she is turning 18 soon and she'll be legal. And she's an awesome person to have in your life because not only is she super good looking, but she has amazing humor and can make you laugh at the weirdest times. She's independent and strong and has just cleaned and entire kitchen and is very proud of herself. She loves to do arsty things and she is about to dive into a world of writing and film and editing and she is gonna enjoy the crap out of it. And Miss Char finally has freedom and a life of her own and she is gonna live it like hell (and by that I mean, she'll probably play pool all day and go take an insane number of walks through the forest and the town). Char doesn't like to wear make-up, frankly because she doesn't know how and is too lazy to put it on, but that's okay because make up costs money that Char doesn't have yet. BUT she is confident that she will find a job really soon and that situation might change and Char might finally take up horse-riding when it does, which is something she has wanted to do since she was a kid. Even if she has money she probably won't spend it on make up because she always messes up making her wings and it only frustrates her which is something Char doesn't like to be. She is usually chill and relaxed and awesome to hang around with and will always try her best to make the people around her feel good and comfortable and appreciated. She'll also feel very very bad if she ever makes a mistake or upsets someone, because she's not used to doing that. She's still learning how to deal with general social contact and especially with people who are very close to her, cuz sometimes she can let people down or hurt them when she doesn't mean to. She loves her brother a lot and will try to talk to him as much as she can cuz she misses him and she wishes she could have spent more time with him and shown him that she cares. But Char is now trying really hard to be friends with everyone and to love everyone and just have a stable and positive energy that her friends and family can rely on, because Char has always been a winner and she's not about to give that up now that she's reached one of the most important goals in life. Char will be happy, because that's just who Char is.

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hey ! i just wanted to ask you what is THC ?

the hogwarts contest :) just a contest im in, we have 4 houses, I'm in Slytherin and like at the end of the year one house wins etc. theres gonna be a new round/year starting december/january I believe

QOTD: Did you ever have no expectations at all for a movie/tvshow but when you watched it, you start liking it?

Yeah lol for Scream Queens, I thought it was gonna suck ass cuz of all the promoting but I was like ehh fuck it gonna watch, and now it's actually pretty good yus

{QOSS} [suggested by anon]: if your OTP never existed in their tv show, which other couple would you ship?

Hm, well if Bonkai didn't exist, I guess I'd like Bamon? Maybe? But that honestly depends on how the situation would have developed without Kai and if Damon would have ended up being the same jerkface he was or not. Cuz I quite liked Bamon when they were alone in the prison world. But then when he got out... Yeahhhhhh, we all know how that ended towards Bonnie's part.
Liked by: saniiღ

can you tell me please how did you make the text in your new video? thank you))

ehhhh, im sorry, but i decided to keep this to myself and my close friends. cuz me and @Kayahja just discovered it the other night when we were playing with some settings, and tweaked it a little and it came out cool, so we'd like to keep it that way xD hope you understand and don't take it personally xD it's really not that hard to figure out if you think about it a little but yeah

Hihihi sorry for the "The king" but It's the enthusiasm that made me talk fast ! So I start ... you're the "Queen" the videos ! I'll repeat your videos are spectacular INCREDIBLY! ♥

Hahahahahha awwww, it's alright, I appreciate king too xD <3 But aw really, you're like so sweet, thank you so much!

What is your Skype name? If you want to give it out... I do think it could be really nice having convos with ya! You seem like a really kind person! By the way you do not have to answer this question, you can just answer me back private if you want to ^^

xGoldenMaja’s Profile PhotoMaja Kristiansen
ohh, im sorry, i only give my skype out to people that i know, but if you wanna talk, you can always message me on youtube, or if you want to ask something, you can always ask here :) and aw thank you so much ahhhaha <3
Liked by: Maja Kristiansen

Well there is so many episodes of PLL *there will be even more* I tried to edit with it one time, and I could not even find these clips I wanted, omigosh, I should really had written down with episode and season it was while watching it xD Okay I will spam with questions now *no, poor you then* xD

xGoldenMaja’s Profile PhotoMaja Kristiansen
Ahahah yeahh, I know, scenes in PLL are a pain in the ass to find. It's really hard xD
And alright hahah no worries <3
Liked by: Maja Kristiansen

I don't think your PLL work is bad, it is totally beautiful, you should continue editing with it! Aww I understand the busy thing, I do not have a lot of time either to edit things! Keep going with trying diffrent text! I can't finish my answer bc it won't let me write that much :c doyou have Skype?

xGoldenMaja’s Profile PhotoMaja Kristiansen
Ahahah thanks, and I didn't say it was bad, I just said I have trouble with finding the scenes in the show :)
And thanks, I will! Oh you can send multiple questions if you need to ask something but you don't have enough space for it. And yes, I do have skype
Liked by: Maja Kristiansen

I adore your editing so much. I do like your PLL videos the most, eyecandy, totally! Could it be possible for you to make more text tutorials in the future? That would for sure be very helpfull! - Maja from Denmark *animash video editor*

xGoldenMaja’s Profile PhotoMaja Kristiansen
Hey, Maja :) (hahah that's my mom's name too lol) First off thank you so much! I do love editing PLL, I wish I could do more of it in the future, I'm just so bad with scenes in PLL, that's mostly what sets me off from using it a lot. And as for tutorials, I can't really promise that I'll do them because I have a lot of work as it is, I just started college + I'm looking to get a job, so I won't have much time for editing and much less tutorials xD Aaaaand besides, text is kinda my thing and I love experimenting with it and doing new text effects and cool stuff and considering every time I share how I made something, it becomes like a new thing and I would kinda like to keep my editing ways to myself a bit more, if you understand :)
Liked by: Lea Maja Kristiansen

Do you smile at strangers? Why or why not?

Yeah I do lol, if I ever make eye contact, I smile so that it's not just the awkward eye glance xD And most of the time when I do, they're like ''Hello'' or they start a conversation about their dog or something (cuz I always take walks in the woods and it's mostly people walking their dogs there). This just happened to me recently, I met an American woman with a beautiful dog and she was so nice hahah, so we just like talked about dogs and how I miss mine from back home and so on.
I don't know, I just feel like lately, there have been soooo many people in general on Earth and so the ''individual'' kinda gets lost in all of that and becomes unnoticeable and so everyone just keeps to themselves and they don't pay attention to other people that pass by. I don't like that :// That's why I prefer small communities/towns where people actually say hello to each other on the street and help each other out.

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Ok thanks for your response , me too I use this Sony Vegas 13 but I am far from your level ;) , at the beguining I think you use Adobe after effect , your ideas and this effects is jus AMAZING ! I love your job so much ! You're the king ! XD

Ahahahah awww thanks <3 And no, I don't use AAE, it annoys me too much xD
But thanks and yeah, it's all about how you use your imagination with what you've got, I guess
(P.S. I'm a girl, but that's okay, I'm alright with being called king too lol <3)


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