
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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What is one word or gif that you would use to describe your relationship with the program you use for editing? (If you want you can explain why you chose this word/gif)

☺ Smiley
because my relationship with my vegas is fantastic tbh. never have any problems with it, we know how to treat each other, and our bond is strong.
(+i get to make fun of other people whose vegases always crash.)
Liked by: a. ☺ Smiley

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QOTD: We all know that one day we all will stop vidding (even if we don't want to). Which vidders editing you will miss the most?

ahhh so many... I'm just gonna go off the top of my head and say some here though I'll probably forget most of them.. xD But yeah um
HeavyHalo, iDeffinix, Lill DreamyProdz, it's Kaiaya, my own fictionxx, BlackVioletsx, yahya, Yoshi, xProdzzVideos, Gytaket, lightningxdisaster, Natalie Sweet, sukerlover147, MaraSophita, strong connection, realityeditss, yaelcamila, cowboyhobo, nastasiya plato, iamnotrobin, spulgaciite, Julia36229, sparksfly221, natali lenkova, jemwhisper, eviesnuggle, hyddras, bluefriday8, gypsyxhearts, risajuly, thepeachalien.... and like so many more, but im too lazy to go through my subbox atm. xD
Liked by: Jer Kaiaya. Yoshi Thata

If you could give any advice to someone who is thinking about making videos or has just started making videos, what advice would you give?

☺ Smiley
Well, I'd say to experiment until they learn stuff and until they get the effect/style they've imagined. Also, to try to learn things by themselves and not annoy other vidders about it because it can get exhausting.
Liked by: ☺ Smiley

I can't believe that A is actually Charlotte, like you have such an interesting life with your name hahahahaha

YES, hahahhaha I couldn't believe it. I was like yaaaaaaaaas, especially since I've been pulling that Charles joke and me being A this whole time. Played out kinda perfect :D
Liked by: Zsani ✿ ricardhoe

What time takes dowloading episodes from kickass

Oh, that depends on your internet speed, and the amount of people who are seeding (uploading) the episode and the size of the episode you're downloading.
Like for EXAMPLE - it takes ME about 10-15 minutes to download a normal 360p episode, and like from a half an hour to a day to download 720p HD ones, depends.

What was the last tv show you watched? :D

Scream, about an hour ago with Kai, @Kayahja - we laughed so hard oh God. It was a good ep, with an interesting ending :D
Liked by: Kaiaya.

what are your thoughts on pll finale? are you disappointed with A's reveal? who do you think is after alison,after 5 years?

Hmm well, I'm not quite sure how I feel about it yet. The story was alright, it definitely wasn't anything that I was expecting but it also wasn't that big of a shocker. That's like the only thing - I wanted a bigger shocker after 5 and a half seasons of waiting for the answer xD
But myehh, I also can't really say that I'm disappointed either. I don't know. Hahahah, I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about all of it, but tbh my favorite scene was the last one when they were all saying goodbye. And when Spencer hugged Hanna and was all like ''HANNA-BANANA'' omg that was so cute xD
(and i have no idea who's after Ali, but I guess we'll find out!)

omg your new header and icon are so perfect!!!#stydia will you ever vid them??? :D <33333

Thank you so much! And yeees, I definitely hope that I can edit them in the near future, I love them :D Just don't currently have any ideas, but I'm working on a Scott/Kira and Malia/Theo video that I hope I can get done soon :D Ahh but yes, iI definitely want to vid Stydia as well. They're really cuties <3

i exposed how you do your effects on vine!!!!!!!! i can even give you a link!!!

That's amazing for you, like wow I cant believe you have the power to be in my mind and know how I edit. like damn, I wish I had that. It's fine though, don't worry about the link, I'm not interested in any of it. I'd rather not have anything to do with it. You can do whatever you want.
I appreciate the effort of the questions you keep sending me, but I'm not going to answer any of them because they're silly and immature, so you can keep sending them all you want, it's up to you, I'll just delete them. I'm not interested in vine, is that so hard to understand?
I make videos on youtube, for my own pleasure, and I like doing it. You can say all you want about viners being better or whatever it is that you think, but I simply don't care, and I won't compare anything, it's not my thing. You do your thing, I'll do mine.
Everyone happy?
+ for your information, I've gladly helped some vine users and I do talk to them, I have nothing against them as people, but I simply don't like vine as a community/site and that's okay, everyone has their taste, please understand that. As of now, I won't answer any more questions related to vine, alright? Just.. Don't try to make this into something it isn't, kay? I gladly help everyone, but my preferences shouldn't be an issue to anyone, and to everyone who has a problem with what I like - I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do about it.

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they already told who its -A in the show?

yees, they did, in this new episode! (im not gonna talk about it yet though, dont wanna spoil for people who didnt watch yet, i just had to make a joke with that gif xD)
Liked by: Cursebreaker ☄

would purfectors still be open to taking members?

Mmm, I guess. Might have auditions soon, but tbh I don't know. Maybe I'd rather want to reduce the number of members than to have even more. I'll see what to do about it, I'm just kinda lazy atm to deal with everything.
Liked by: shamelessxroyalty


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