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QOTD: Do you have a funny story with a vidder? It can also be more than one person. Share with us :D

Every single day with my 6 dorks is funny.. xD
Like for example Kai (@Kayahja) can sometimes say insaaane things LMAO, once he was like talking about postponing his visit to his great-grandma's grave like ''I have time, it's not like she'll run away.'' His ability to say inappropriate things is overwhelming LMAO.

QOTD: Would you spend money on vidding if you'd have to? (e.g pay or you simply cannot vid anymore)

ViddingQuestionOfTheDay’s Profile PhotoViddingquestionoftheday
Mmm, yeah, if I had a job/enough money xD But I'm starting a college class next month that will be related to editing anyway, so I do believe I'll have to spend money on it eventually.

QOTD: Was there a contest that really impacted/improved your editing?

ViddersQuestionOfTheDay’s Profile PhotoVidder's Question Of The Day
Hmm, well I think I've only actually stuck with the Hogwarts contest, and yeah I guess it definitely challenged me! I loved making my entries for all the rounds so far, and the ideas of the challenges were inspiring and what motivated me to edit the videos in the way I did, I suppose. :)

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QOTD: Is there any character you did not liked at first, but it has evolved? Tell me one of the reasons that made you not like this character at the beginning!

Probably Scott McCall. Because in the first season he really annoyed me and reminded me of a guy I didn't have a nice past with, so I would always just roll my eyes when Scott was shown xD But now I actually like him a lot. I also didn't like Allison Argent as well, but she grew on me in season 3 and then she died. Ah.
Liked by: Kaiaya.

QOTD (Suggested by anon): Is there something that you regularly see in many videos, but don't like? (E.g. an effect, font, overused scenes or songs...)

ViddingQuestionOfTheDay’s Profile PhotoViddingquestionoftheday
Mmm, well tbh I've lately been really annoyed with the amount of Teen Wolf videos using the SAME quotes and scenes and basically all looking the same... Like there are lots of videos that are edited the same way nowadays and I guess that kinda bugs me a little. But to be fair, I don't watch many videos either way, for this exact reason, like most of them just bore me ahh.

Have you ever broken any bones? If so, how many and which ones?

I dont think ive ever actually broken anything, they were all just really bad sprains. Mostly my ankles but I also had a pretty bad situation with my left thumb in like..4th grade xD so i dont remember much, but it was because my best friend (and crush at the time) threw a ball at me in the playground and as i was trying to catch it, it hit my thumb... He felt soooo sorry about it though xD but i know my whole class was like panickng when it happened.
Liked by: ℭrazydreams. Ryuko

QOTD: Have you ever felt a little insecure to make new friendships in the vidding community because of your limitation with the english language? Because i know i did. Don't be scared to admit. We all are from different countries. :)

mm no not really. im not usually afraid of making new friends anyway, and i don't have trouble with english at all, so it's definitely never been an obstacle for me, i guess xD
Liked by: Thata

QOTD: Do you watch every single video on your subscriptions list. If not, why?

ViddersQuestionOfTheDay’s Profile PhotoVidder's Question Of The Day
oh god... i hardly watch any. xD
like i have to be in a specific mood to just go ahead and watch videos, im more of just into making them to be completely honest. but i do always watch videos by some specific editors that i always enjoy. like if i see one editor that i love uploading a new video im like 'sfkdlsjflkj must watch now'. but other than that i usually only click on those that might be interesting to me, if i know the fandom etc.

QOTD: What makes you click on the button "Subscribe"? Name at least 3 things. (p.s if you want to keep receiving my questions like here please: http://ask.fm/sweetieseni/answer/130046434348#_=_) If you not tell me i will stop :)

mm well if i find the editor interesting, if their videos are good and if their videos actually hold my attention, cuz sometimes i just watch a video and it's like... the same as a hundred other videos ive already seen so if that happens i just click away. im terrible like that xD ahhh, but yeah, if it holds my attention or makes me wanna rewatch their video, then ill definitely subscribe.
Liked by: Ryuko

sorry to be a bother but do you know where i could find those old grunge overlays?:D

TutorialiciousEditing’s Profile PhotoxWildAngelsx
um you could try on youtube? just type in 'grunge overlays' and there should be some giveaways with that. or you can always just google it, or maybe search it up on deviantart? :)

QOTD (Suggested by anon): Name 5 vidders and what they're most 'known' for in the vidding community.

ViddingQuestionOfTheDay’s Profile PhotoViddingquestionoftheday
mm, i'll suck at this but ahh..
yahya - the cool drawing effects *-*
lightningxdisaster - effects/sexy ass editing
Grable424 - awesome/epic simple videos that bring tears to eyes
NuurSalvatore - sexy ass stydia omg YUS
Julia36229 - she does awesome inspiration and certain theme videos.
jdkhkjdfh, i would have used so many others but these were the first that came to mind that were like, different from each other xD

What's the story of you and Jason? c:

tearsofperfection’s Profile PhotoAshley
ou. ;)
Hmm, well... Our 'story' is pretty long aaand to some extent a bit complicated so I'm gonna keep it as short as possible, and I won't really go into too much detail since lots of it is private lmaoo, but I'm gonna try to answer as best as I can, since he IS one of the people im closest to on here and irl.
Ahh so... I think the story of how we met is actually the best thing ever and I don't mind sharing it, cuz it's just kind of hilarious. Basically, Alex (OfficialTVDNTV) had this one roleplay chat in December last year and I joined it and played Spencer Hastings and my character eventually 'hooked up' with Jason's who was playing Stiles Stilinski. And me (Spencer) and him (Stiles) were the only ones left in the roleplay, for a good few hours before we decided to end it and actually introduce ourselves.
--Thus our ship 'Stencer' was created - Hurray!
And like after that we added each other on skype, started talking a lot and over the course of the next few months we got really close and like talked basically every single day. Idunno, I have a ton of awesome memories with him, like the best ones were when we would stay up until like 5-6 am, and he'd be so tired that he's just start saying nonsense... xD Like, I just love being a goofball with him, joke around, tease him like A LOT and everything. OR OR, Sophie's voicechats that we did all the time and we still do sometime, those were really awesome, like we would all just get on a call on Skype or on Teamspeak and have fun. Had some laugh out loud moments with all of the [F7] - (that would just be the group name of all of my closest friends on here that Jason actually came up with, it means the 'Fabulous 7' LOL)
...and yeah. I don't know, I guess you could just say that he's my person. Like we help each other out all the time, he basically stayed up with me all through June and helped me study for my finals which I very much appreciate. I help him with his personal problems as well, and we just.. I don't know, man, he's just my bae <3 xD
Ahh, I don't know how else I should have written our 'story', I'm sorry. Since at times it's like.. Very hard to explain without going into detail, and the detail is really personal. Idunno, but I know it would have been stupid not to write anything since we show how close we are anyway, so you have a right to ask xD
jdkjdflkfdj i hope this answer was satisfying enough?
Tbh, only our closest friends [F7] know our story, but they also don't know the whole thing, that's just between me and Jason, I suppose. Also, damn well hoping to meet him in December! We already have plans so we'll see how that works out xD
Hope these two convos make up for my shitty story, but this is basically how we are most of the time. Either this or incredibly bad sappy lines. or perverted ones that should never be public..xD Ah, we're just two big goofballs, not much else to say. :3 he's awesome.

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you're moving away from croatia? may i ask where? idk why but it seems so excited, i probably would be very happy if i were you think about new places to see and things to do, i bet it will be okay! :)

whtash’s Profile Photowendy ✿
Yes, I'm moving to Scotland for college :D And yuus, I'm very excited, and I'm usually very calm about these situations but I guess I just had a LOTTT happen to me in the past few months so my emotions are like all over the place. But yeah, I'm positive everything will turn out fine as well :)

hi charizzaard, i loved your channel art, can you make one for me? give me your skype? thanks, x.

felipeproductions’s Profile PhotoCLOSED.
Heeeey, thank you so much, I'm glad you like it, but I don't do requested channel arts, I only ever do them for my best friends. But I gave out a few in my giveaway, not so long ago, maybe you'll find those useful!
Liked by: HelpVidders CLOSED.

is everything okay? I hope you feel better now and tysm this means a lot! x

whtash’s Profile Photowendy ✿
Yesss, everything's fine, I just had a mood and I guess I'm stressing about moving from my country xD but yeah no worries, you're welcome!


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