
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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could u maybe make a banner of stiles and lydia ? you make so epic banners!

yes, of course, i'll make one! :)

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Sorry, I can`t understand in your new video. It is so perfect, but I can`t speak in english very well. What is the TV-series on 0:31 second? Thanks :)

that part was made by xDelicateMuse so that's who you should ask :D I have no idea what that show is xD

I think everyone is dead in tinychat -_-

noo, they're not, they just got mad and one of them banned you, because you were being way too negative. try not to overreact about things this much, because people are trying to help you and go off and write nonsense about suicide and your problems and it can be a bit annoying because you are too young to know what you're talking about. so stop being so negative with yourself and with others.

QOTD: What character should get more screen time and why?

Bonnie Bennett in TVD - because her character is so fucked with, I can't even.
Murphy in the 100 - I love this dude so much, I want more of him and his humor.
Lydia in TW - cuz I kinda miss her sassy weird old self.
Spencer in PLL - like no need for any other characters in my opinion, just put Spencer in daily-life situations and I'll be content.

Do u know if anyone know the song to tvd 6x21 promo song ?

no idea but you can check in the comments of the promo on youtube?

QOTD: Are you still vidding a show that has been cancelled or finished? / Do you think you will if, for example, one of your favorite tv shows does?

Yeah, I still vid Lost every now and then. And idk if Eye candy counts since it's been cancelled. And yeah I'm pretty sure I'll still vid shows like TVD, TW, and PLL once they're finished :)


Language: English