
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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If you could have a role in any TV show, what would it be?

Omg.. I really wish I could star in a post-apocalyptic TV show, like I'm so excited for Fear the Walking Dead and Cordon. These two would be sooo awesome to star in! And I'd want my character to be smart and badass + sarcastic/funny. And of course, if it was Cordon... I wouldn't mind 'Jake' being my love interest... :)
Liked by: Jer a.

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https://youtu.be/USyrY7EqzPI do you know how to do the part at 0:06 where the splatter is normal colored but the outside is a different color

yess, well she probably put an overlay on the clip and then she set that track that the overlay is on to the ''difference'' mode or maybe ''difference squared''. but you can also ask her if it doesnt work xD

Hey i saw your answer about tvd,bonnie and kai,and i aree with u. She ruins everything,not only Bonkai but Kat too,and that sucks.Can you send me the link of the comic con with Kat in Brazil? I really want to see what she thinks about Bonkai c:

heyy, sorry i dont have it, i just saw the tweets/posts on tumblr from people who were at the con. the video will hopefully come soon, but i havent seen it yet :c

I know this is kinda annoying but is there any way you could maybe make a dl link to all the episodes you have of pll??? I would never really bother anyone about stuff like this but if you have time or something maybe? :)

im sorrry hun, ive looked it up on kickass where i downloaded and half of the episodes arent there anymore or they dont have any seeders :( but if you can find the web dl versions somehow, those are the ones i used for all the episodes.
Liked by: Ashley

U can study rn and then be free in the evening LOL!

yeaaah i guess but... ughh lazy right now xD

Ohhhh stoppppp! U don't have to study :DDDDDDD

LMAOOO i actually kinda do xDDD
-finals coming up-

LMAO! It will happen again! The thing on TeamSpeak! U know it :D Just wait until the evening :DDDDD

hahhaha omg NOOO, i have to study tonight guuuurl.

Have you seen Julie Plec's tweets lately? If not, you should go through them because she is pissing on the whole bonkai fandom. She says things like "I'm telling you guys, with love, this is not a ship I or anyone should support. Trust me" (1)

"It's because I know what's coming and i'm trying to convince you all now that HE IS NOT GOOD BOYFRIEND MATERIAL. (Because Damon, Klaus and even stefan are sooo nice as boyfriends) She tells us to wait for the season finale because apparently it's not going to end well. (2)
"BECAUSE I KNOW HOW IT ENDS." - she tweets. She also says Kai did have a crush. And then she (Bonnie) left him behind to die. I'm sorry for ranting, but what do you think of this? Is it just me or is she destroying EVERY single ship bonnie is included? (3 and the last one)
YES I SAW IT SHE RUINED MY DAY/WEEK/MONTH. Like omg... she basically brought down the Bonkai fandom, and I honestly think it was insaaaanely immature and disrespectful of her to act like that. She could've said it in sooo many different/nicer ways, but she chose to completely diss on the ship. And I'm sorry, but how can you tell people not to ship something? It's their right...
And she's being a big ass hypocrite by saying all of this.. I mean - Kai isn't boyfriend material? Oh, but Damon, Stefan and Klaus are? Good to know. Apparently, she said Kai would do something completely irredeemable that Bonnie could never forgive him for - which would connect into him not being boyfriend material, and honestly the only thing THAT bad that he could do is rape Bonnie, but again - hasn't Damon done that with Caroline? Abused her mentally and physically?
Tbh, I think what she's going for is that Kai will kill Elena. That would probably make him absolutely non-boyfriend material in Bonnie's eyes. And then God help me, if she brings him into season 7 and gives him a new WHITE girl love interest. Wouldn't surprise me in the least.
Honestly, my conclusion from all this is - KAT GRAHAM IS TOO FUCKING GOOD FOR THIS SHOW AND JULIE SHREK KEEPS FUCKING AROUND WITH HER CHARACTER AND WASTING HER GOD GIVEN POTENTIAL AND AMAZING ACTING SKILLS. Like, this isn't even about Bonkai anymore - Kat deserves better. Even Kat said at a con in Brazil yesterday that she wants Bonkai to happen, but the writers don't.
I'm so done with this show after season 6. She'll manage to ruin everything.

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hiiii, it's me again:D i have qestions about collab (as always lol), maybe u can give me your skype? cause writing here or on yt pissing me :D

hunnie, dont i already have you on skype?? i shouldve added you when i was adding you to magnificunts hahha :D

*whispers*: ya know whatcha take hahahahaha it was those schneenockerln admit it xDD

oh OOPS i just ate them again for breakfast...............

we all know it'll happen again.. it's just a matter of time ;)

oh my godddddd.... -literally so embarrassed right now-
....i let the crazy in.
Liked by: a.

i understand, some people are way to full of themselves. anywayyy, im really excited to see what this channel has in store.

thanks hun! me too, i am soooo excited about all of this!! :D <3
Liked by: Alex.


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