
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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WOWZ, Char, you're incredible, for sure! I always marvel at your works more and more! u originally was chic, and now u'r blossomed! continue in the same spirit, and you will have a million subscribers <3 *waiting for ur new vid with my lovely Malia and OMG Kai*

Nancy ♡
AHHHH thank you so much hun!!! <3<3
#trying to finish it right now xD
Liked by: chrysaaha a.

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Did you see the new episode of TVD? What are your thoughts? Especially about about the whole vampire/witch thing they're pulling of right now + Do you think that Kai is going to be turned? :)

LOL, the episode was hella boring. I really liked the Stefan/Damon/Lilly scene though, that was fun. But oh my god... That scene of Elena finding out about Jo being pregnant and Jo finding out Kai was trapped - like that just proves the holes in the plot and the poor writing of the show... I mean, does Steroline even know that Kai EXISTS? It's like they've had their separate storyline this entire season. Like it's all just a big ass mess right now, I don't know what they're doing.
And, eeeh, I don't think Kai will be a vamp? I think people are misinterpreting what Jo said ''Imagine Kai with a bloodlust, Now imagine 6 of them'' - I think she was just giving a comparison rather than saying they'd turn Kai. Cuz from what we saw, I think they'll be happy with just using him as a blood bag. Besides, we have one too many vamps in the show already + Kai isn't exactly only a magic sucker anymore, he has his own source without having to siphen from others, so I don't think he's eligible as a candidate? I don't know, but even if he DOES that would be HOT AF. Imagine vamp!Kai. Oh yas. + If he has strong feelings for Bonnie now, they would just get maginified if he turned. xD
I love him either way, cuz Chris can just pull off any side of Kai and still make me love him.
LOL BUT JO WTF?! How was she relieved when she found out Kai was trapped? Is she fucking stupid? Ae they all? Prison world or not, Kai can die and if he DOES so does Jo AND her baby and Liv and their dad and the rest of their coven. Like oh my god.. The writing of this show is just getting sooo bad and full of mistakes, I don't get it.

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it's nothing, hope one with work for you!! & yes, i know the feeling. but still, can't wait whenever it will be finished xx

hahahah thank you, me too :) im hoping this weekend, im really inspired for it!
Liked by: tos-tos.

not to be weird at all, but dkjfcbsdjhvcbwdvjwv; i can't wait!! *-* it looks amazing, omg

hahahah thank you!! its so much fun to work on, just wish i had more time :S
Liked by: tos-tos.

Which movie do you think is overrated?

ummm no idea..
i honestly dont feel like bringing any movie down that someone else might enjoy, so it could be overrated for a reason. i dont really look at things by how over/under/rated they are, just by whether i like them or not.

guys PLS

char from afar
Does anyone know any good handwriting fonts? Something that looks like it's carelessly written and has a lot of freedom in the curves and such but still looks pretty? PLEASE, I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR HOURS TO FIND SOME BEAUTIFUL HANDWRITING FONT. *sobs*

What do you look forward to most this year?

Finishing high school - moving away - starting college.
Liked by: a.

A video that describes a few things (or one thing) that you love and why. (fandom, characters, lifestyle, anything)

Vidder's Ask
Sorry this took me so long to answer, but I had to rethink this like 39875 times and I can't decide on one video. So here goes. (no specific order, just the way i found them in my playlists)
1) -hate your guts by iamnotrobin
Because of all the Bamon feels oh my god... The song is perfect for them and I remember feeling overwhelmed when i watched it. it was so so good AH.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9NhrSWm9X4charizzaard’s Video 126248379513 r9NhrSWm9X4charizzaard’s Video 126248379513 r9NhrSWm9X4
2) ● welcome to the real world | stydia by Nuur Salvatore
oh gosh... this video. i dont know why but i was so mesmerized by it. the coloring, the song (i fucking adore that song jgdjdhkshf) and the spanish voiceovers that she pulled off.. like oh my freaking god. This video made me fall in love with Nuurs amazing style and editing...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpQtManXrh4charizzaard’s Video 126248379513 hpQtManXrh4charizzaard’s Video 126248379513 hpQtManXrh4
3) Damon & Elena | "The promise that love could be eternal." by Kitty Kat
Possibly one of my favorite Delena videos of all time.. Not much to say except the editing and the atmosphere are fucking perfect, and the parallels made me shiver.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x62MwzX4iYUcharizzaard’s Video 126248379513 x62MwzX4iYUcharizzaard’s Video 126248379513 x62MwzX4iYU
4) (TWD) Rick & Carl || The Way by Grable424
My absolute favorite video of TWD ever. And it shows possibly my favorite relationship on the show and their complexity of it, which is why I can never get tired of it. It's so deep/powerful.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAcwP_BXr-Ucharizzaard’s Video 126248379513 qAcwP_BXr-Ucharizzaard’s Video 126248379513 qAcwP_BXr-U
5) i'd break bullet's for you by sukerlover147
Ahhh, my favorite Bellarke video in the world.... The editing is so spot on and beautiful.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpIn6_o3fFEcharizzaard’s Video 126248379513 CpIn6_o3fFEcharizzaard’s Video 126248379513 CpIn6_o3fFE
6) blood on your hands • clarke griffin by sparksfly221
This video is just sooo good, shows the complexity of the character (which happens to be one of my faves on the show as well), and it's so beautiful and the parallels are perfection.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qm32A5ksteEcharizzaard’s Video 126248379513 Qm32A5ksteEcharizzaard’s Video 126248379513 Qm32A5ksteE
7) ● Stiles & Lydia | Northern Lights by Natalei Sweet
Idk man, I'm just completely in LOVE with this... It's so beautifully edited... Amazing. #Addicted to this video atm.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1K2Y6zbc0D8charizzaard’s Video 126248379513 1K2Y6zbc0D8charizzaard’s Video 126248379513 1K2Y6zbc0D8
8) ►Pretty Little Liars︱Don't by HeavyHalo
Cuz omg, it's PLL, it's so light-hearted and humoristic and I fucking adore it so much.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHLVzYLux0ccharizzaard’s Video 126248379513 LHLVzYLux0ccharizzaard’s Video 126248379513 LHLVzYLux0c
9) Bonnie/Damon/Kai Love Triangle
Still one of my faves by Lilly. I can never get tired of the perfection that is Bamonkai.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tO-Zge_zk4charizzaard’s Video 126248379513 3tO-Zge_zk4charizzaard’s Video 126248379513 3tO-Zge_zk4

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charizzaard’s Video 126248379513 r9NhrSWm9X4charizzaard’s Video 126248379513 r9NhrSWm9X4

The effect at like 0:13-0:14 ish https://youtu.be/n-tG4t1kTsM

you mean the grid? well i made it in sv and took a snapshot of it and then i just put it on top of the clip and zoomed in a bit and rotated it. you can make it with the SE grid preset (im not sure what its called right now), or you can literally just add a sample text and put lines in it horizontally then copy the same on another track and turn them by 90 degrees vertically. then you take a png snapshot of it and voila - you have the texture.
Liked by: electricxrocks

How did you do the one graph type of effect in your worst behavior video?❤️

graph effect? im sorry i have no idea what you mean :(
could you tell me at which second it is?

who do u really miss at picture editing? like to those who dont upload anymore for like 3 years ago?

Iamarmeljohn Martinez
oh gosh... well i really miss ikewii, i think she was kind of awesome and i always admired her a lot for inventing all of those effects and whatnot. and of course i miss raya (beatxfultrackss).
and for more recent ones i miss tahir (bluefriday8) and molly (xmileyxsmilesx)


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