
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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i just want to say i LOVE your bonkai videos so frickin much. They are the best but mostly all of your videos are perfectly outstanding . And i also love the way you use and edit the scenes so perfectly in the latest coloring tutorial. Much love <3.

thanks so much, that really means a lot <3

How do you find inspiration? What inpires you to vid? Did you ever get block? What helped you to get it again?

Yeah I've had a block for like the whole of April, May and June probably, just because I haven't really been in the right headspace for anything, let alone editing. It mostly had to do with my mental issues. It still happens from time to time, when I just lose interest for everything including editing and then everything turns out shit if I even try to do it. For me, they key is to give yourself some time, listen to music, don't force yourself to edit the first song you hear, and also - watch other editing, whether it is another editor, professional films or TV commercials, Webpage designs etc. All of this can help inspire you, at least it works that way with me :)

Your favorite character of Riverdale PS:Love your videos !

Cheryl Blossom no doubt! And thank you so much <3

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charizzaard’s Profile Photochar from afar
My mentoring pack on Patreon is currently up for sale for July, and will only be available at the discounted price for a limited time and to a limited number of people!! Get it here:
It comes with access to all the previous rewards and personal mentoring for anything you need to know in the editing world! :)
Liked by: nutyan jam ͛

In Sweden it's almost time for one of our strangest traditions. We celebrate that summer is here by decorating a giant pole with flowers. It is supposed to look like an upside-down penis to symbolize fertility. With that said, my question to you is: What is the weirdest tradition in your country?

rockrose92’s Profile PhotoRebecca
I unfortunately cant remember anything as weird as that for Croatian traditions. But my Scottish friend told me once that in the town where they come from they have a tradition where they make a huge cow out of salt (this takes like a week) and then they push it into the ocean and watch it dissolve. He also said they have some exhibition at their crematorium as a tourist attraction ?? However, I cannot fully confirm if these are 100% true because I'm not even sure if I believe him ???

I love your new Crazy collab!!!! Can you, maybe, tell me how you did the X over the face? Like was it an effect, font edit, or is it something you download? Sorry for bugging you I just love that video and I always liked that effect. Thanks!

hey its just the font sketchica and some pan/cropping :)

Is your laptop handles all the games you play in max screen resolution? Can you tell please what video card it has or what model of laptop you use?

hey heyy, it depends on the game. i cant run games like The Witcher, or GTA in a good quality so I don't bother with those big games, but my laptop handles games like TWD, Sims, Cities: Skylines, DayZ Dead Island etc. just fine.
I have an HP Envy x360, I believe it has 8GB RAM, an i5 processor and it also helps that it has around a hundred GB of SSD as well. So if I want to run a game quicker I usually install it on the SSD.
It honestly depends on the game though, you should always check the reccommended requirements to run the game!

Lolo's QOTD : Do you like video games ? And if so, which are your favorites ? ?

xLonelySoulXx’s Profile PhotoLoréleï.
I do love video games but I have an issue where I get bored quickly. I only like creative and story-like games, so either something with building/creating, like Sims, Cities: Skylines, Planet Coaster etc. or story driven like The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, The Last of Us, and so on.
But I've been struggling to find a game like that which would keep me entertained so if anyone has any suggestions?
Liked by: Loréleï.

hello! so i watched your livestream on purrfectors and i saw that when you open your clips on trimmer you already have some parts marked. how do you save your markers in the clip? is it a permanent thing? i tried saving by clicking in the bottom corner option and it didn't work. welp. ty

Heyy sorry I don't know why that would happen... Tbh sometimes it happens to me too, I think it might have something to do with like the peek building. I think you need to let the audio waves build before mark the scene and then it should save iti automatically. I'm honestly not sure how it works, I never press any buttons to save it at all, most of the times it just stays that way


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