
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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do you know any good non-torrent downloading sites for tv shows? (except for Uloz.to)

Nope, I'm sorry :(

Are you working on something? :-)

YESS, I just started a new BONKAI video, I'm also editing a multicouples one and I'm trying to finish up my collab parts + I have collabs with Dev and Lilly :D

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I agree on shadowhunters being bad, especially the first episodes, but please, watch this e reconsider your decision, i would love to see your editing on simon and raphael or alec and magnus https://youtu.be/bHqBdmyPoAs

I don't.... why don't you understand I don't feel like watching that show? xD

Hi, I know it's not your video: http://youtu.be/qtZS9w_IdfY but i don't find ask or something else from the vidder who made this. So i ask to you.. Do you Know where van I find the overlay (Blur square) she used ? Please, sorry for my english

not sure, but you can just make it with cookie cutter

Do you watch Shadowhunters? Who do you ship?

Nope lol. I don't plan to. I keep hearing it's really bad xD

would you have any tips for doing text in editing?

Hmm, well first off - You should always try to pick nice fonts. Like don't mix too many different ones in a video. For me, I usually always go with one simple font, and then another font that has more of a personality, if you know what I mean x)
Next, you can try different track modes - like dodge or add! And then turn down the opacity so it's see-through. It's looks pretty. Also adding blur on it sometimes can look really good too.
One more tip - DON'T put a coloring on after having used text, make sure you use your coloring on your clips and THEN add text over it. Cuz otherwise if you have your coloring on the text, it will look weird.
And then last one - Just play around with it. Try out different effects you can put next to the text, play with the size of the text, the tracking, etc. :)

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I understand. Thanks for the answer anyway. Can't wait to see new video from you. <33

Awh no problem, and thank you! <3

Hey, can you make "How i edit" video or a live chat where you edit crossover couples? I just really enjoy your editing and i'd love to see how your magic works. :))

Well, then it wouldn't be magic now, would it? x)
I don't think I'll be doing that, cuz making manips takes preparation and time for me and most of the time I'm just looking through random episodes to find a singular second of one character that would fit with the exact one that I took of the other character, so there's really no point to it. I edit here and there on livestreams, I might do one tomorrow, but as I said - I'm not too comfortable going too deep into it as I would still like to keep some of my tricks and originality for myself :) Hope you understand! x

how do you do the animated wiggles and stuff in after effects? desperately been trying and failing to find how xD

uhhhh, I posted the tutorial I used on my ask a while ago. I don't have it anymore, but you can look it up? :)

QOTD: What are your favourite kinds of couples? (Cute/angsty/etc.). Give a few examples of your faves!

I like what @aeriscruent said! Slow burning couples - like Spaleb, Stydia, Richonne, Caryl etc.
And I also like it when they go from enemies to liking each other. Sort of like Delena or Klaroline or Bonkai, or Maleo - where they're supposed to hate each other but there's obvious tension etc.
Liked by: Lu Sweetie2566 Aeris

How often do you use after effects and what effects do you happen to use it for?

Hmm, not very often. Lately I used it only to animate some text or some pictures to be wiggly/scribbly. And sometimes if I need an effect I can't get in Sony Vegas (which is rarely, cuz I force Sony Vegas onto myself so much, like I just can't be bothered with another program. xD)

char would you ever release the colouring you made in the magnificunts collab? aghhh its soo amazing! like wtf you're a colourinf goddess

Yeah, I'm probably going to do it this weekend then, because I have had many people asking for it. It'll be up on Purfectors, some time tonight or tomorrow :)
Thank you so much btw <3
Liked by: tina

hey char what are your thoughts on jaspenor?

Oh, they are super cute!! I didn't care much about them in season 1 to be perfectly honest, but then in the premiere of season 2 I started loving them sooo much.. After that nightclub scene hahah, that had me hooked x)
Liked by: Black Heart

Who is your favorite character from Desperate Housewives so far?

Hhahah, I loveee so many of them. I adooore Lynette and Gabby from the girls the most I think. I love Susan and Bree too, although Bree can sometimes annoy me in some of her decisions. AND EDIE BAE <33 LMAOO, she's too much xD
BUT YEAH WELL, I think Lynette and Gabby are my faves :D

you should create a tutorial channel with only you

Hmm, but why should I do that when I already have Purfectors with like 9k subs.. :o Besides, it wouldn't make me upload any more than I do on there xD

are you going to do live stream again? i really love to talk you

Aw, thank you!! We might do a livestream this weekend! Sorry, I've been away/really busy this last week. Still kind of am, but I'll try to squeeze it in somewhere, maybe (most likely) on Sunday!

Hey, omg i´m sorry if this is anoying to you but i was wondeting if you know what effect is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwCMcMyxecw the one in 0:07 where the vid stops and kind of fade out , i´m new in this sony vegas thing and I would aprecciate your help

Try asking the person who made it? :)
Not to be rude or anything, but maybe they wouldn't appreciate someone else explaining their effect. Besides, it's not too hard to figure out if you do a little research, and think on how you could get that effect for a bit. Literally, just think.


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