
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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omg i love you bonkai videos, plz don't stop making them.In love with say something and i´ll be good. on repeat always.

Thank you soooo much!!
I miss Bonkai a lot :( I am hoping to make some more videos with them soon!

1) What type of colorings is your favourite (for example: bright color., blue color., dark color., saturated color.,...) 2) What is your favourite color in colorings? 3) What fx do you like the most (exapmle: levels, col. corrector, channel blend,...)? 4) Whose colorings do you use the most?

× 1 × I like blue/red colorings. But it depends on the video whether I want a saturated or a bright one etc.
× 2 × Hmm, I'd have to say either blue, turquoise or red.
× 3 × I like a but of unsharp mask + sharpen, or convolution kernel on anything. I also love using channel blend and New Blue Spotlight.
× 4 × Well, I believe I use mine the most. I also like colorings by SivanDivan, Lill DreamyProdz, xXWhisperOfDreamsXx, xDarkestDesires, and xMysticFlame!

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*asdfghjkl's with you, over that Molly x Sherlock scene*

I KNOOOOW. I like didn't really ship them all too much before that, but that scene when he showed up wit his eyes all teary I JUST.... That was so adorable.
Liked by: Royalvalkyrie

QOTD: The person in your icon (or your background if your icon isn't the picture of a person) has a birthday coming up. What are you buying for them and why?

I don't have any money so :(
Ari is just gonna have to deal with the gift of my presence.
Liked by: Inna Kaiaya.

hey char i want to know which are the best bonkai fics that you have read and if you have a link to them

Well I can give you the link to my fanfic account
There's one I wrote there and you can find some more that I liked in my favorites. I will hopefully be finishing another few fanfics soon anyway :)

Choose one show. Favorite male and female character? Favorite couples? Favorite friendships? Favorite season? Favorite episode? Favorite scene? Favorite song from soundtrack? Favorite quotes? Least favorite characters? Least favorite couples?

Gonna go with Sherlock for this.
Favorite male: Sherlock, Moriarty, John
Favorite female: Irene, Mary
Favorite couples: Sherlock x Irene, John x Mary, Sherlock x Molly
Favorite friendships: Sherlock x John, Sherlock x Mary, John x Mrs. Hudson
Favorite season: Ummm, probably season 2.
Favorite episode: I think 2x3 :)
Favorite scene: I love the scene where Sherlock figures out the password to Irene's phone, and I also love the scene in 2x3 where he comes to Molly for help and she's like ''What do you need?'' and he says ''You.'' FDKJHDSKJHSKL.
Favorite song from soundtrack: TBH, I just love the theme song, it's so goofy and nerdy and cute and amusing at the same time hahaha I adore it.
Favorite quotes: ''Anderson, don't talk out loud, you lower the IQ of the whole street.''
Least favorite characters: N/A
Least favorite couples: N/A

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QOTD: You're hiding from the police (again). Which of your vidding friends (or IRL friends if you prefer) is most likely to hide you in their house? Which of them is most likely to rat you out?

Ahahahah I think they would all let me hide in their house but @Kayahja is the most likely to have committed whatever crime with me xD
And I think the most likely to rat us out would be Nico @BlackVioletsx - not because she doesn't care or anything, but because she would have no idea what's going on as per usual and it would just slip out :D

When are you going to post the results for the Focus contest? :)

Sunday or start of next week! We'll see, there's lots to do for the ending video hahah aww :( So sad it's over xD

heey char! i know you will probably take longer to judge but do you have a rough idea of when the winner of focus will be revealed? xx :)

Hm, I think judging will be easier this round as there are only 9 entries, but we do have to come up with a pack for the prizes etc. I was hoping to get it up on Sunday, but I'm not holding on to that too tightly, so it might be sometime at the start of next week :)

Hi Char, I wanted to thank you for this amazing contest and for this opportunity, you have been an inspiration for me for a long time and it's a pleasure to be part of one of your projects, so thank you :D Anyways, here is my entry :) https://youtu.be/y4QiJ8BrKsk

explosionsinsky’s Profile PhotoGabs
THATS awesome!! thank you soooo much!! It's in the playlist now, and I will comment in detail/give my full opinion when im judging! :D
Thank YOU for being a part of the contest btw <3
Liked by: newbeginnings

you didn't watch Desperate Housewives before ? omg it's my favorite show of all time ! :)

Léa | OPIA
I've seen it like every now and then when it was on TV while I was in middle school, but no, I've never seen the full thing hahah. Now I just finished season 3 today, and I jumped my brother immediately to download the rest for me xDDD

Idk if this will make sense but do you know how to put a solid color on top of a clip and use Repeat Y on cookie cutter and have it magnify so when the solid color moves along the clip it would make that part zoom in on the clip below? Sorry to be a pain but I've been trying for hours D:

I'm sorry I don't really get what you mean xD But you can always try to make it with pan/crop :)
Liked by: Cursebreaker ☄

How do I stop my preview from lagging on svp? I just can't find a solution, it's anoying

try to mark the space you're trying to preview and press ''shift'' + ''B''
Liked by: Cursebreaker ☄


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