
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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qotd: favorite movie

-grease, dirty dancing
-perks of being a wallflower, secret life of walter mitty
-halloween, stay alive, final destination, scream
-harry potter, hunger games

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What junk food could you never give up?

well i dont usually eat junk food at all, but one thing i probably couldnt give up is popcorn. i just adooooore popcorn, especially those really good and salty ones at the movies AHH.

Julie Plec said recently that Bonnie will come back in a different way, what do u think she means?

i think it means bonnie wont be as good/selfess as she was. she might be disappointed in her friends and come back "darker". at least i hope so hahahha, kat is an amazing actress, i cant wait to see how she pulls it off.

qotd: fav halloween costume?

oh god, i dont know... ive always wanted to be a sexy vampire, but i forgot about the masquerade this year so i went as the first thing i laid my hands on today, lol i was a native american xD that's basically what i usually look like anyway, yolo, just added some extra feathers and BAM.
Liked by: Esmay

Who do you ship from TVD? I ship Bonkai, Delena and Steroline. and tell me why you think that

i currently only ship Bonkai and Bamon, because they're both adorable and even if it would be a love triangle I'd be totally up for it. I think it'd be helluva lot more interesting than delena/stelena at this point hahah :) aaand i shipped klaroline a lot, but it kinda faded away since klaus isnt even on the show anymore so bleh. im also very in between with steroline, im not sure how to feel about it atm xD
Liked by: electricxrocks Liv

Your favorite tv show right now? :)

hmmm, that would be the walking dead, vampire diaries, the 100, pll and eye candy hahah cuz those are the ones airing right now :D

I wanted to participate in a collab but I didn't get picked up for the part. On one hand, I don't vid very often and I'm not a famous vidder , but on the other hand it kind of hurt that I got rejected , without even being told a 'no'. I don't know...How should I feel about this?

Heyyy hun, no dont feel bad about this! I try to pick as many different people each collab and I really dont look at the subs, just the editing to see if it would fit the current collab that I'm hosting, and if you dont have any examples of editing then I wont pick you (unless i know you and how you edit) - thats basically the only rule for that. Aaand as for the 'no', I never really reply to those who didnt get in for that collab, only to those who did, but thats more so for the reason that I dont get lost in the comments since this is also a way I send reminders. But you really shouldnt feel hurt because I do always have a hard time deciding on it myself, which is exactly why I host collabs this often, so if I notice someones commented again who didnt get in last time, I'll try my best to give them a part. The next collab that I will host will probably have more parts and maybe I'll make it first come/first serve. If so, I'll make sure to give a heads up. Trust me, I know how it feels to not get picked for a collab which is exactly why I host this many and why I try my best to give chances to everyone who wants to participate. It's all just good fun in the end. :)

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Liked by: xenia Elena Kasia Dyl

where do you find your inspiration?

ummm, it's most usually in the songs that I edit :) and sometimes when I find really good scenes or colorings that can really make me want to edit hahah, but for me it's usually the music that gets me going!

Favourite books and songs from your country?

for songs, i like the old classic ones, but our new music is just god forbid.... i like ''kinoklub'' though.
and books... umm, i havent really read much tbh but i guess i like August Šenoa the most.
Liked by: Liv tPA

Tell me your favorite BROTP's? :)

(I'm not sure if brotp is just male friendships or also female, i'll just go with both)
TVD - Damon/Stefan, Damon/Alaric, Stefan/Klaus, Stefan/Caroline
TW - Stiles/Scott
TWD - Rick/Daryl
PLL - Emily/Toby, Spencer/Aria
Harry Potter - Harry/Ron, Harry/Hermione
Lost - Claire/Kate, >>Sawyer/Hugo/Charlie/Jin<< [BEST BROTP EVER]
Liked by: Taylor Kay Liv

Fav and least fav month and why?

Editing Confessions
mmm, fave would be June, because I looove the weather and it's usually when school ends and fun begins, and least fave, probably January/February/November because it's so cold and blehh, and I always feel stressed and tired during those months.

wooow so excited omg omg *-* <3

yay me too :D but im going to wait for the next episode to finish this video, I need more emotional Kai clips xD
Liked by: a.


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