
Elizabeth Lail BR

Ask @elizabethlailbrasil

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Elisa, did you really dislike Scott or Kristoff or only that Scail thing and the shippers of Kristoff and Anna?

I don't know how people came up with the ideia that I hate Scott. Honestly. That was never true. I dislike scail as a ship and scail fans who make both actors feel uncomfortable with some ship comments. When those things don't happen, I'm fine with it ✌🏻

RFBS vai ser filmado na carolina do norte, em nova york? onde ele estava programado pra ser rodado?

Se acontecer ainda, as previsões são na em Winston Salem, na Carolina do Norte.

Elisa, have you watched this last episode of OUAT? It's not perfect, but after the last two seasons, was the most beautiful ending they could have.

I stopped watching OUAT back on season five :/ but I'm glad they ended it at least in a beautiful way.

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O reino de Frozen aparece rapidamente na season finale, junto com todos os outros mundos e reinos que já foram mostrados na série. A Terra do Nunca, Oz, o País das Maravilhas, enfim...... Mas só mostram a rena do Kristoff, é tipo uma cena de dois segundos. Teria sido um bom final. Feliz e nostálgico

Também acho.

They really show Arendelle on the season finale of Once Upon a Time? I will watch only because of it.

I think they only mention it. Frozen characters don't show up.

How did you get to know Elle?

Through Dakota. I watched her movies and found out she had a sister.

Vale a pena assistir The Blacklist inteira antes de ver o episódio da Lail?

O único episódio que eu vi na vida dessa série foi o episódio dela hahaha então não sei te responder. Mas se você estiver perguntado no sentindo de entender o episódio, não precisa.

o q vc acha da dakota, elisa?

Ela um bolinhooo, tento acompanhar tudo que ela faz. Entre ela e a Elle eu prefiro a Elle, mas a Dakota é igualmente !!!!!

I don't speak english, so i really don't understand acronyms (i think that's the name).

No problem.

Sorry to ask, but what is HTTTGTP e what's it about?

How to Talk to Girls at Parties is a movie staring Elle Fanning. It's about an alien who meets a girl from Earth. People ask me some stuff about her since I once said she's one of my favorite actresses.

Elizabeth can sing? And so far what are your impressions on How To Talk To Girls At Parties? I like Gaiman's tale. Fanning is a very talented young actress with who i would love to see miss Lail working with.

Elizabeth can sing. She sings on Nibbler and she has auditioned for Les Mis. I didn't know HTTTGTP would be like that! He teasers are awesome and the stills with Elle are incredible! She's gonna (literally) rock it, I'm very excited about it. I'd also looooove seeing them working together. Two babies, two favs 💖

Agradeço pela recomendação. Começarei a assistir em breve. Você acha a Amy uma personagem melhor que a princesa Anna? Confesso que esses foram os únicos trabalhos da Elizabeth que eu conheço, fora Without.

Trabalhos grandes dela na TV foram só esses mesmo. Acho a Amy mais complexa, mas não necessariamente melhor.

Pretendo começar a assistir Dead of Summer. A série tem um final para sua trama? Eu não gosto de ver séries que terminam em aberto repentinamente.

A série fecha o enredo sim, até por que não tem segunda temporada hahaha vai fundo, espero que goste.

Is there any chance of Lail join another OUAT convention? I wouldn't like to see her and JMo say goodbye to the show fans for good. By the way, are you from Brazil, right? May I ask u something? Who's Temer? I'm asking because of twitter stuffs. Perhaps this ask does not make any sense, but anyway.

Well, there's always a chance, but it wouldn't make much sense for her to go to a convention now, it's been three years since she was on the show... what would she talk about that we don't already know? And yes, I am from Brazil and Temer is our current president who, I truly hope, is about to resign his presidency.

Era seu aniversário? Eu não vi isso, sinto muito. Parabéns atrasado Elisa. Tudo de bom para você.

Aham, foi ontem hahaha não tem problema não, obrigada!!! 😘😘😘

I dont't know what time it is in Brazil. But i hope i still have time to wish a happy birthday.

You do! Thank you! 😘

May i ask something? I read Arendelle appears in this last season finale of Once Upon a Time. Do you know if Anna or Elsa and Kristoff have appeared or not?

They have not.


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