
Elliani Adani

Ask @ellyyawrr

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btw, fana tak wujud dann.. i lagi tua dari u so how can you be my kakak angkat lol. i love u . please forgive me and Bye. #GGMU

Oh who are you. </3333333333333333333333333333

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actually...........mak jemah dan fana orang yang same. i just realized that i am really evil when im pretending to be fana yg tak wujud tu lol forgive me k bye

Omg so that was you?

Sure Elly. Seriously, you're so pretty! I nak sangat jumpa youu. Actually, I'm a girl. Hmmm, can we meet? Nanti masa Believe Tour insyallah I pergi. I nak sangat jumpa you. I'm a belieber too ;) Love you Elly <3 x

Aw ok this made my day. :> Hehe of course we can, bagilah twithandle, senang sikit nak cakap if anything hehehe. Love you too. :)

omg tau takpe kan !!!!! hahaha mintak mintak ada lah sinister 2 memang I nak tengok gila kalau ada

Tapi takut ah sebab dia macam makan budak budak omg.

I 'ana' lah. Hahahahaha kalau i jadi u, mmg rsa nk menangis do. Hahhaha yes, i baru sedar yg i jahat gila td. Hahaha im one of yr followers at twitter. My twithandle start dgn huruf A.haaa carilah but pretty sure u takkan buat

Memang sorang je twithandle dia start huruf A huhuhu takpe ah...

Apa fav colour justin. I'm not belieber. Tapi nak tahu jew. Sbb, now mcm dh suka bieber jew. Hak hak hukx.

Lol omg I think I know you.

Um guess who i am? I yang dapat m&g pass for worlstage but something happens um.. Yes, insyaAllah dapat jumpa you nanti omg & goodluck for believe flashmob!! I hope Justin or his crew will notice you guys. I tak dapat join :(

Oh, I know you. :) Haha insyaAllah... And thank you! InsyaAllah, amiiinnn hehe why not?

weh 29 millions tu kat twitter je. kat fb 40++ millions weh. senang cerite, beliebers are uncountable around the world.

Ye ah tu hahahaha. Ada je Beliebers yang takde social network sume ni.

hi i miss u and i love u.xoxo - justin bieber

Aw I miss you and I love you too Justin. Come back here faster. :<


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