

Ask @faglex

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Why sailor mars why not sailor jupiter or mercury or venus?

Because when I was younger I liked Sailor Mars the most shes fire, the color red, had beautiful black hair and she was sassy as fuck duh And My favorites have to be between Sailor Mars and Sailor Saturn tbh

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Girls with thigh gaps are loose, ? Where'd you get that from? 4chan? I admired u so much. But that killed it. That was ignorant and rude. You say you hate bullying but you put down a whole group of girls. If you don't have a thigh gap your fat and if you do your loose? Fuck you, you ignorant twat.

Haha in wasn't even bullying anyone calm the fuck down anon don't have to get angry. Thanks for wasting your time to put that lol you don't even know me so

Do you have instagram, snapchat, kik, skype and Facebook?

I have Snapchat, Skype and Fb but I like never use Fb idk I h8 it

But im 15 your 17 idk ill just think ill be creepy or something

I'm 18..and uhh I guess that's if your trying tpo be my friend?? Haha

Ive been with my boyfriend a month but only met him once due to distance. But, is it too soon to have sex with him o.o

Do whatever you want to do haha I can't tell you what to do. Just don't rush it. Sex changes relationships so do it whenever you're ready for that next step or not.


Language: English