

Ask @fr00t_l00p

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whats ur most fav thing in the world? food doesn't count lmao

you know me too well lol
I dunno I just like nice conversations and warm hands and waking up with my hair not looking like a mess sigh is that too much to ask for
there's muuccchhhh more but I don't want to cheese you to death

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Why am I swari's girlfriend in the story? Why cant i be bradley james' girlfriend? or theo james? or raymond ablack? oh well, at least I'm the girl :D

yayimback’s Profile PhotoHamsika
that story was written like three years ago you're very behind the times
ask Janette she wrote the story

10 facts?

okay fine
1. people with nice hair are my weakness
2. this one time i fell over in kmart and had to get stitches
3. up and toy story 3 were very emotional experiences for me
4. last week there was a freaking kangaroo figurine on our kitchen bench and I saw it out of the corner of my eye and nearly whacked myself with a spatula
5. meat pies disgust me
6. pies in general just disgust me
7. when I laugh I sound like a dying whale
8. i haven't seen finding nemo before lol
9. these sort of things take me ages cause i apparently know nothing about myself
10. i have no chill ever


Language: English