

Ask @funnyeol

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Are you saving money right now for something special? What is this special thing?

I am.
Seeing them for the first time. But I don't think I can. I feel like the promoter doesn't care about it :'(
Are you saving money right now for something special What is this special thing

What is the biggest challenge you are facing right now?

Fulfilling my wishlist one by one, and I'm not gonna revealing it until I accomplish them.

Ya dong hahaha buat bacaan seh tp bukan penanya. Hahaha..

IndrasariS’s Profile PhotoIndrasari
Oooo hehehe asyik ya Cik. Aku ya sekarang ketagihan oq tiap hari buka askfm. Banyak bacaan apik2 😊

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Happy Valentine's Day! How are you going to spend it?

I'm going to spend it by teaching English, working on my online shops, watching TV, playing with my little brother (just like another weekdays)

What is the best way to relax you?

1. Sleep
2. Eat my favorite food
3. Watch my favorite program
4. Take a stroll to a comfortable new places
5. Feel some fresh air

What's one thing that you would like to have in your room?

Glass roof!
I wanna see the beauty of stars at night through it! But due to the weather in my city, which is almost always hot, I think it's bad to have it 😞
Whats one thing that you would like to have in your room

What’s your biggest cooking failure?

Hahah..waktu kelas 6 SD, bikin bolu kukus. Tepung nya udah ditakerin sama Mama d plastik, tapi emang dasar aku nya aja yg kebegoan, tepungnya cuman ku tuang sebagian, alhasil tu bolu kukus lembek jelek banget. Bukan bantet lho, bantet masih mending ada padet2 nya kan? Nah ini tuh yg beneran lembek nggak isi gitu. Parah 😅

What are you good at that nobody knows?

Hmm..I don't know about that thing I'm good at which nobody knows, but if about a thing that others know is adapting, I guess?
Jadi inget pas zaman SMA, waktu ke Bromo sama temen2 sekolah, itu kan ke sananya pake bus, abis itu disambung pake mobil karena jalannya naik banget gitu kan, nah..waktu di mobilnya tuh temen2 pada ngeluh pusing, mual, bahkan ada juga yg muntah. Cuman aku yg enggak, bahkan aku bisa tidur!
Pas udah nyampe, temenku bilang, "Kowe kok iso enak banget to turune? (Kok bisa enak banget tidurnya?)" 😂
Trus aku juga cukup flexible kalo diajak naek apa aja. Bus umum, oke. Angkot, oke. Kereta, oke. Kapal, oke. Pesawat, oke. Motor, oke. Mobil, oke. (Tinggal naek getek sama gerobak aja sih kayanya yg belom pernah 😆)
Dan liburan kemaren, pas aku nginep tempat Nenek, sama keluarga n sodara pergi ke kawah Sikidang, Embung Kledung (bagus banget ini 😍 harus pada ke sana!) sama Dieng. Nah, sesampainya di sana kan harus jalan kaki, dan tanahnya ngga rata. Trus masih harus naik-turun juga. Dan yg kupake? Taraaaaa..sepatu kondangan 👇😂 karena sama sekali ngga ada rencana ke sana. (Jadi, itu topi wol nya segala belinya di sana 😅) Kirain ya paling ngga ke mana-mana, atau ke yg deket2 aja..hahaha..thank God, ngga jatoh 😄

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What are you good at that nobody knows

Your song of the day!

https://youtu.be/7cI-Vd2YYJYfunnyeol’s Video 140389478188 7cI-Vd2YYJYfunnyeol’s Video 140389478188 7cI-Vd2YYJY
"Buka matamu semuanya terlihat. Kau pasti bisa melewatinya." 🎶🎤 "Haaaa...dari sebuah senyuman, dapat bawakan harapan semua impian. Haaaa...dalam derap langkah, kau bawa senyuman, harapan, impian dalam kehidupan." ❤
Lagi suka banget sama lagu ini. Bikin semangat! ✊ apalagi kalo dengerinnya pas lagi (siap2) beraktivitas ☺

TGIF! What would Batman do?

I don't care about Batman. I care about this instead 👇 yeay! Finally, #BallerinaMovie is on "Now Playing" list! 💃
TGIF What would Batman do

Have you ever counted the calories in what you eat?

Engga. Soalnya ada yg lebih mengkhawatirkan sih daripada jumlah kalori 👉 jumlah saldo di tabungan.

If you were an actor, would you rather perform as a theater or movie actor?

Movie actor. Soalnya pengen bisa nyihir2 yg kluar effect2 nya, keluar-masuk koper, sama ketemu hewan2 unik & keren 😍
If you were an actor would you rather perform as a theater or movie actor

Do you judge people based on their knowledge of grammar?

Of course not.
I judge people by how they behave towards others. Anyway, I don't like people who say,"Sorry,I'm an introvert." as a "shield" so people will be okay if they are unfriendly or else.
Introvert doesn't mean you can't smile at all when others smile to you, right?
Introvert doesn't mean you can't respond or speak politely to others, right?
Again, don't use your kind of personality as a shield for you to act impolitely and/or arrogantly.
Do you judge people based on their knowledge of grammar

What's the best way to apologize?

Of course by saying sorry and proving it! There are no other ways than that.
Jadi hampir 2 minggu yg lalu, ada salah satu murid yg jujur banget. (Hehe) minta lesnya diundur cuman gara2 mo maen game online -_- dan maennya di rumah. Aku hargai sih dia jujur, tapi aku pikir, yaelah maen game doang, kenapa nggak abis les? Jadi aku tetep dateng di jam yg kami udah janjian sebelumnya, yaitu jam5.
Sampe sana, aku dianggurin.
"Bentar ya Cik.."
"Bentar, bentar.."
*nyiapin buku* "Bahannya masih sama.."
"Bentar lagi, bentar.."
Sampe sekitar 15 atau hampir 20 menit berlalu, dan aku nggak liat siapa-siapa lagi di rumahnya, selain muridku itu, aku akhirnya pulang tanpa pamit karena jengkel. (Jangan ditiru, ya. Hehe). Aku nggak pake ngomel, nggak pake bujuk2 karena anaknya udah SMA. Ku anggep dia udah tahu lah mana yg seharusnya diduluin.
Pas aku sampe depan rumah, muridku ini nge-LINE, tapi nggak aku bales,karena masih sebel.
Minggu depannya, pas dia les lagi, aku nggak nghubungin dia. Tapi langsung ke Mamanya.
Setelah aku jelasin, aku bilang, "Jadi, Tante tolong tanyain ya. Anaknya mau les nggak? Kalau masih mau ngegame, aku nggak usah datang aja. Makasih, Tante."
Trus, Mamanya bales, "Iya, mau les."
Akhirnya aku dateng, dan si anak udah duduk di teras. Aku rada kaget sih liatnya. Soalnya dia biasanya di dalem. Trus ya udah.. les seperti biasanya.
Jadi, ya bagus, deh. Abis minta maaf, trus dibuktiin :) padahal klo seumur ABG gitu, apalagi cowok, biasanya kan walopun dia tahu dia salah, tapi dia nggak mo minta maaf, krn gengsi.

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Whats the best way to apologize

What are you really curious about?

about other people's hearts. since we can only know what they show us, we'll never be able to know whether they're the same as their hearts

What makes you feel really uncomfortable?

being stared at. only being looked at is okay. but being stared at, I don't like it.


Language: English