
Gabriela Cázares

Ask @gabys630

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que se sienta caerle mal a mucha gente??

Mira ahorita no estés chingando no estoy de buen humor me vale 12412531 hectáreas de verga si le caigo mal a mucha gente.
Liked by: Karla castañon

Bueno niña de los ojos bonito que ahora se que te llamas Gabriela, que pases bonita noche y que tengas bonito lunes :3

Gracias que lindo e igualmente :*

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You and I Two of a mind This love’s One of a kind You and I We’re drifting Over the edge And I will fall for you And I will fall for you If I fall for you Would you fall too?

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

#¿Porque? Porque? El hecho de símplemente mirar tus fotos me saca una sonrisa <3

No sabía que mis fotos le sacarán una sonrisa a alguien, que bonitooooooooo ❤️
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It's just another night And I'm staring at the moon I saw a shooting star And thought of you I sang a lullaby By the waterside and knew If you were here I'd sing to you You're on the other side As the skyline splits in two I'm miles away from seeing you I can see the stars From America #MEENCANTAS

Nomameeeeeeeeeeeeeees ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Liked by: Navarro

#Porquesi; eres una chica super, me encanta tu forma de ser y esos hermosos y lindisimos ojos, son tan asdfghjkl :33 <3

AWWWWW, que lindoooo❤️


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