
gail leslie

Ask @gailypi314

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Who was the last person you said thank you to?

i think it was jamie. jamie or ashleigh or a customer in the shop.

What's the furthest from home you've been?

i've been to blackpool, london, magaluf, benidorm, and several places on lanzarote.

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Do you tolerate heat or cold better?

neither, i hate them both, i want to live in my own personal bubble that changes weather when i want it to, walks on water and dispenses candyfloss for me when i want it to.

Do you remember your first day at school?

first day of primary school i remember being at home and my mum taking pictures of me, i remember standing outside and that's really it.
first day of high school i remember walking up to the school, meeting ailsa and walking to our form class at assembly with her, meeting our form tutor, our form assistants etc and going to geography, french, maths, english, it, getting lost trying to find my re class and crying and re then walking home.
in re we introduced ourselves and i was sorta like 'hi, i'm gail, i like doctor who *holds up pencil case*'

Do you like your name?

when i was younger i used to call myself jessica.
not to my parents or new people, but when i played games.
i was jessica. i was tall with long, ginger, curly hair, green eyes and an english accent.
i know that's not the question, but i thought i'd say that.

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

hopefully married or engaged, perhaps with a job and a family. maybe im in university finally though? idk i just want a fairy tale but ugh

If you could invent one thing to make your everyday life easier, what would it be?

a listen/ignore button on my ear so i can ignore people i don't like easily.

When you are under stress, do you prefer to be alone or do you seek comfort in friends?

i'm always stressed out. it'd probably the reason i am the way i am, i can cry over the smallest of things and its ruining my life. i usually have a breakdown on my own at night, but a lot of the time i just wish i could be with someone; ie online to talk to or in person so i won't cry.
a bit of both really.

What makes someone attractive?

if they suit the colour blue. i love the colour blue.
it they make me laugh
if they're genuine
if they're kind
if they have a good smile
if they read
if they like science
if they like doctor who
if they understand me
if they're good with kids
there's just a lot but i'm just describing why i love my bf so i'll stop because this will be getting annoying and yUP

How have your life experiences changed you?

i'm more confident than i have been, especially in the last 3 months, jamie's played a major role in that i have to say.


Language: English