

Ask @georgiabieber91

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Do you think that there are any topics that there should be more movies about?

the real problems teens actually go through, not bull shit about chasing girls and guys and shitttttt
Liked by: Deleted Baset

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Do you think Madeleine Mccann really was abducted or do you go along with the Portuguese police theory that she died as a result of taking medication her parents (both doctors) gave to sedate her, and that they hid/disposed of the body before raising the alarm?

I guess I'd have to research both stories and check up evidence and all that shizzle before i could have a theory.

If you were to enter as a contestant in the Annual World Biscuit Throwing Championships - a competition that is open to both experienced and novice biscuit throwers - how well do you think you'd do??

fucking weirdo


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