
Hamza ! 30K ?

Ask @hamzasohail97

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What will be your reaction if u saw your partner kissing somebody else? Will you make a scene? Will you confront him infront of his date or you will speak with him/her separately and hear his/her convincing alibi

Hahah thanks god its just a joke ;)
If i see that than i would kill myself because first love is the best love in my life !
No i will not make a scene i will speak with her separately !

What are three most important pieces of advice you can give to someone who is new to social networking sites?

xxxnatalLea’s Profile PhotoNat
Never use that social working site more than 15 minutes or otherwise you will get addicted to it !
Use Secure Browsing or otherwise your account will be hacked !
Make Cool Friends :)

how would you think this world would be in a 100 years? let your imagination go wild

davidemmy’s Profile Photoemmy all the way
This world will be fully technological !
I mean everything will be replaced by robots !
There will be great unemployment !
As the population of this world is increasing so there will be shortage of food and most importantly water !
As the global warming is increasing day by day so in coming 100 years maybe some countries or cities will be underwater because of the melting of polar caps !
No respect for the parents i think !
Everbody will be thinking of itself i mean they will become selfish and greedy !
People will be more educated than in this era but will be deskilled because there jobs will be replaced by computers !
Advanced Generation !
Temperature will increase because of increasing global warming which is causing severe effects on Ozone Layer !

why do people call a kid who tells stories as a day dreamer whereas an adult who tells stories is called a talented author?

davidemmy’s Profile Photoemmy all the way
They belive in adult stories more because adults are more mature and more experienced than the kids who just read or listen the stories and spread rumours :)


Language: English