
hannah banana

Ask @hannahmckayla

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Your annoying and so are your answers like stfu noone cares

well then hop off my answer and unfollow , obviously someone cares if they asked them. ur "question" is invalid . goodbyd
Liked by: Nick Chaki

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I rember when oscar and jace fought on ur picture,

tey didn't find that had a small arguement and it lasted just for a couple mins -,-

I want u to be a tumblrgirl. I mean try hannah . Be a tumblr girl u already look like one

ohhh lol

Dont date oscar he is ugly hannah, u can do better

stop. he is a cutiepie. i like him. alot.
and that was rude. have u seen him he is a man dime . & he is funny. so go suck ur own dick .

U and oscar need to go out or ill kill myself

stop its his decision , not mind.
don't make me date him i he doesn't even like me. imean if he did <3 tht would be perff but if he doesn't i understand.


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