
Hattie Hope †

Latest answers from Hattie Hope †

Are you a leader or a follower?

A follower mostly but I try my best not to be a sheep, I've been a tag-along for far too long and I'm done so, I'm sticking with the decent people I know who'll actually value my company. c:

Why is the sky blue?

Apparently it's because the sea reflects onto it? Or is the reason why the sea looks blue because the sky reflects on to it, I have no idea. :3

Generally speaking, do you avoid the things that make you uncomfortable or do you confront them? Yes, this includes your fears, as well.

Being honest, I confront them in my head, think about them for a while then forget about/avoid them until the next time I happen to think about them - it doesn't help or change anything, but that's the habit I've got into, unfortunately.

Has a complete stranger ever done something so nice or so interesting for you that it changed your entire day? Have you ever done the same thing for a person you didn't know?

No one has ever done anything like that for me, but I'd like to think I'd do that for someone if I had the opportunity. c:

Are you photogenic? Has anyone ever snapped a photo of you pulling a ridiculous face (not a selfie)?

Definitely not photogenic. >< I look awful in most photos people take of me, as well as most I take myself. :p

What's one thing you really want and wish for?

To have somewhere of my own to live when I'm older and to share that place, and my life, with my boyfriend.

Language: English