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Ask @hayleywhiting

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I'm sorry I know you all think im an attention seeker and you probably all think highly bad of me like as if this guy is a dickhead why would you say your depressed on ask.fm its like no one cares :'( I care about all of you I just sometimes expect the same back <3 Love you all <3 sorry if annoying

JyeDean’s Profile PhotoHeavy As Hell, Light As Heaven
You are annoying & still an attention seeker
Liked by: Conor

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There's always 4 seasons of that old superhero drama type show Heroes. Teen Wolf, The Neighbours, Psych, The Mentalist (with Aussie Simon Baker), that new Sherlock Holmes show, Supernatural. That's some other shows I like.

those are the ones i need to see now omfg

Both seasons of AHS? Watched the third season yet? So far they're up to season 3, episode 8 I think. I know I've finished the Walking Dead too. Poor Hershel. :( Idk what else then? :( Ever seen LOST? That's not a bad drama, adventure, mystery, strange show. If you have then hmmm, idk what else.

I have all seasons of LOST on disk so yeah seen all that xD

I'm sorry they have done that all your life. :( That's not fair. :( Sorry btw I went and made another coffee. Lol. And haha yeah that does sound a bit strange. xD I guess I might get off for awhile. I have a headache and I might go watch more of season 2 of American Horror Story.

I finished both seasons : <
idk what to do now
i also finished the walking dead
Liked by: demon

*taking advantage of your kindness (is what I tried to say in my previous post). And yeah sounds a little weird lol. So your step dads boss purposefully got underage girls drunk. Lol. That doesn't sound too good.

They've done that to me my whole life (taken advantage of the fact I'll look after them no matter what) but yeah uhm it sounds pretty bad xD

Hahaha, yeah but still. I wish you could get a lot of sleep at least. xD Oh wow sounds like a party went on? Or you all just got shitfaced and enjoyed yourself, relaxing more. I know what it's like to have cranky siblings... *looks towards my older sisters' room* I don't know, taking advantage of yo

My step dads boss got us all drunk
that sounds so weird huh?

I know, life is deff ugh indeed. :) I'm good. Much better than yesterday. Hbu? Besides being tired I mean.

hahah you now i'm always tired xD
Im hungover actually, looking after a hungover mum and sister and cranky brothers
i will never understand why everyone makes me do all the babysitting


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