

Ask @heidira

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Would you rather continue your life as it is or start it over?

as it is for sure. wouldn't change a thing, i have no major regret. although it would be interesting to one day waking up into another life just to know what it feels like.

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followback yaa😁😊

rinshopid’s Profile Photoxx
No offense, but I
-interesting people
-people with interesting answers
-people from whom i can gain new knowledge just by reading their popular answers
-some people i know
Don't follow:
-people i don't know and without interesting answers
-people whose page contains only "like back" and "followback" stuff
(terus buat apa followback toh gak keliatan followersnya...)
Well i guess people have different purposes here. However, do enjoy ask.fm ;)
Liked by: elsa marsalina

Name three things you think shouldn't exist in the world.

1. Way-too-long tv shows hiatus (I'm looking at you, Sherlock.)
2. Mosquito
3. Horrible novel adaptation movies (I'm looking at you, Percy Jackson movies.)
Liked by: ai r trishna

imdes + pap endah

Maaf lama jawabnya, mau jawab, tapi lupa :")
Endah itu.....
*brb baper*
*brb kangen*
*brb flashback jaman smp*
My uber bestie.
Aku mau cerita aja.
We were these 2 kids who do everything together. Duduk sebangku, sekelas terus selama 3 tahun.
Setelah lulus smp dan sekolah di sma yang beda, idk why aku susah dapet temen yang bener-bener jadi seorang temen deket, entah kenapa temenku ada buanyak tapi ya gitu, sekedar temen aja.
Aku sama endah dueket ket ket sampe aku sering main ke rumahnya (aku gak pernah main ke rumah temen, fyi). Karena sering ke rumah endah, banyak kenangan (ahelah) di rumah endah. One particular favorite place of mine is actually her house's balcony.
Endah rajin. Rajin poool. Pinter juga, sering ngajarin aku pelajaran and vice versa. Terus alim banget, apalagi sekarang. Anaknya polos, innocent gitu pokoknya buaaik pol dari sananya.
Dulu anak metal, sukanya dengerin avenged sevenfold, sampe dimarahin ibunya kalo nyetel lagu mereka, hahah.
Endah jg anaknya kocak pol, suering ketawa ketawa sama aku padahal gueje guyonannya ga paham deh:( she gets my jokes which is so cool. Kayak aku, endah adventurous, suka mbolang. Suka naik rollercoaster dan semacamnya. Suka hal hal baru. Suka ngomong! Jadi kita mesti rame ngobrol di kelas haha :(
Endah sangat sangat trustworthy, kayaknya ngga ada yang ngga tak ceritain ke endah :") and she got my back, when i was in a conflict she was always there for me and she understood, which is rare and i love her for that. Endah pernah ngasih aku handmade bday card waktu aku ultah, gambarnya hal hal yang tak sukai mulai dari new york, maroon 5, dst, i still have the card its the sweetest thing ever :")
Pokoknya asik pol punya temen kayak endah, bersyukur pol dikasih kesempatan ketemu endah, udah kyk sodara sendiri :))) oiya endah itu temen-ke-kamar-mandi-bareng wkwk ah jadi kangen. Dan endah itu orang yang bawa good influence buat aku. Aku belajar banyak dari dia, dan dia juga bilang hal yang sama tentang aku, and that makes me happy because a good friendship should make someone a better person too.
Kangen pol ndah. Maaf kalo sejak kita gak pernah ketemu, aku jarang kontak sama kamu. Kapan kapan ayo main bareng lagi, makan pillows bareng lagi (jajanan wajib! Haha).
Ini pap nya pas jaman jaman rambutku gak pernah mau takpanjangin,
"eh ayo dir foto wajah lholok hahaha"
Tak tempel di dinding kamar lho:")

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imdes  pap endah

What's the coolest thing about your city?

I love my city.
I know that people say its hot, its crowded, the traffic's horrible, but honestly, i love it. Like they say, there's no place like home.
I love the gardens, the trees, the pretty bridges that light up at night, i love riding motorcycle at night around the city center and looking at the lights and feeling as the wind blows on my face, i love the people (some are rude but they're honest and funny), i love the food(s), i love the old part of the city, i love the culture--dances and shows, i love the history of bravery that lays here--a battle for freedom. I'm so proud of being a citizen of my city -- when I go mudik to my grandparents', people will say that my accent is so Suroboyo, and i'm proud of it.
Oh, and on this occassion, Happy 722nd birthday, Surabaya!
Whats the coolest thing about your city

Hi! how was your weekend?

I know that this is a question from a month ago BUT this week i had a wonderful weekend. So now I'm staying in Brisbane and last saturday we visited Noosa! Which is a beach and national park. Very, very nice weekend.
Hi how was your weekend

Why is it okay for men to be all hairy and not so for ladies?

I guess it is because the norms and ideals that have been established by the society since a long time ago. But then again i have no idea why. Maybe its because women are considered cleaner? And men don't like their wives hairy?
Thats a good question, my friend. Maybe there are people who think that small things like these are integral in the matter of gender equality.
I dont know.
Personally i choose not to be hairy.

Happy birthday, Heidira! Tambah cerdas dan bijak dalam segala aspek kehidupan ya. God bless you

Terimakasih banyak kak!:) aminn. (((And thank you for sending me some of the best question ive ever received)))

What fashion brand can you not live without?

I actually dont care about brands at all...... If it's good, it's good. Plus branded stuff are damn expensive

me too partner imdes plox

aisaurus’s Profile Photoai r trishna
Sooo where do i start. We first met in glass (bertemu dalam gelas? Cie) and then fate put us together in grande and now we're partners in bidang 10❤❤:3.
You look like a cute-fluffy classy gurl who is actually a freaking metalhead. Kita punya banyak kesamaan ya ik!!! Semuanya dimulai ketika ai pingin kerja sama aku sebagai sekbid and vice versa aku pingin sama ai sebagai pengawas (!!!). Theeen we found out we have a LOT in common from favorite bands, our love for reading and we both read miss peregrine, our daerah tempat tinggal (cito for lyf), our preference for ips subjects, sampe hasil uas pun banyak yang sama. Kita bahkan pernah pake baju yg matching warnanya tanpa sengaja, SOULMATES I KNOW RYT. Banyak pokoknya.
Back to ai, she was anak al hikmah yang sekarang di xi1 cie cie. Freaking smart dan sekarang lagi mau osk ekonomi, good luck:3
She loves coffee and taro-flavored drinks (me too), she's a freaking night owl yg kuat cuma tidur bbrp jam sehari. Punya taste bagus in almost everything. She can be real sassy and sarcastic >o< in a cool way of course. Cause youre a cool lady.
And SO ARTSY AND TALENTED AND SKILLFUL MAN YOU SHOULD CHECK HER INSTAGRAM. Created a wonderland as korbid dekor grande, sangar. Anak pubdok sejati wuuwuuuwuuu *.* She's like, one of a kind. She doesn't like exaggerated imdes but i swear im not exaggerating here:0
oh and SMOOTH ENGLISH with a broad knowledge of gaul abbreviation (what's plox btw?). And she does storytelling.
Random observation: -you look scary when youre mad/in a bad mood despite those PINCHABLE CHEEKS.
-kita belum foto bareng cak.
Im bad at impersonating but lets give it a try:
"Haai partner *waves*"
"Haai partner *grins and blow kiss*"
"Aku nggak mau ketemu orang"
"*talks about crush*"
"Hed hed"
"Èhèhèhè *laughs*"

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Liked by: ai r trishna

blajar binggrisnya otodidak ya?

gak juga seee, aku sempet les dulu pas sd dan kls 8, dan di sekolah kan diajarin wkwk
(((sering ditanya ttg bhs inggris padahal masih paspasan...))))


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