
kai lora vassallo

Ask @hijinx

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Jesus Christ I just remembered my login and looked at all the conversations we had from like 2 years ago aha, and it saddens me a little we don't speak as much or at all, but hey we have lives and shit 💁

Oh god, remember angryjamia ahahahahah 😂😂😂

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google is really unhelpful so does it work to wear a binder over a sports bra? google said my chest is too big for a binder on it's own to fit/work and yeah a sports bra sort of works but not really enough. :( So yeah would wearing both help?

I haven't got the foggiest clue dude. Youre asking the wrong person about this ahah, I don't want to give you any advice because I haven't got a clue what I'm going on about. Good luck though fam x

whats the crilly and the blender thing? sorry, im still relatively new and yeah. *hides because I should probably know this by now given its been 10 months.

Crilly and blenders are not best friends. Legend days that they are having an age old battle and Crilly always defeats (breaks) blenders

Is your vertical labret piercing perfectly in the centre of your lip? The top part is slightly off to the side and it's annoying me but I guess I'll get used to it xx

Not perfectly no, it's slightly wonky. You get used to it ahah x

If you could hang out for the day with one member of each of your 4 fave bands who would you pick and why?

Well, Ashestoangels: it'd have to be Nico, I love all the boys, but yeah aha Neck Deep: Ben 😍 Dead!: this is hard no, probs Sam because he makes my day everytime I see him aha Hole: Courtney Love.
Liked by: Katie Thornton

I've just realised you have a septum piercing too. Could you answer the same questions about it please? Also have you ever had your nape pierced? That's another one I quite like xx

Septum didn't hurt at all, apart from when I accidentally punched myself in the face aha. It took about 5/6 weeks to heal like. Pros - it looks nice idk? Cons - getting a cold is now your worst nightmare, especially while it's healing. Enjoy never being able to itch or blow your nose properly aha I don't have my nape pierced, sorry! X
Liked by: Kate Katie Thornton

I did not know you ride

Yep, we've currently got 4 horses. 2 are out on full loan and one is sold, we're just waiting for him to be picked up.
Liked by: kati lawson

how did you break your hip? what was the recovery like? X

I was jumping my Mums youngster , and I came off him. He bolted after the jump through no fault of his own, I just lost my balance. I hung on for a while but I eventually came off, hit the sand wrong and broke my right hip, tore the ligaments in my right leg, and the muscle on my hip bone became detached. I nearly got airlifted to hospital because everyone thought I'd broken my back, I'm so lucky that I can actually still walk. The recovery was long and painful, I was in hospital for 3 days, and had to learn how to get up and down stairs because I couldn't lift my leg. I was on 420mg of painkillers 4x a day, and on crutches for 2 months. I wasn't meant to ride for that time, but I was back jumping my pony after 6 weeks aha. My hip still plays up and gets stiff and hurts sometimes and the muscle is quite weak, but at least I can walk ahah

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Liked by: kati lawson

makes me giggle, hopefully he's grown up a bit, but that doesn't excuse the horrific lies he told me

Don't even get me started on the amount of shit he chats Ahaha
Liked by: tiia?¿

Hahaha, he used to speak to me when he was with you because when I found out you two were together he said it was that night i didn't know you were together for that long! he also said he had cancer to me HAHAHA hes a joke

Yeah he told me that one aswell. He's a bad bellend and needs to get it together. I haven't seen him since last year like, reckon he's disappeared off the face of the earth to contemplate the fact he is infact a fucking weapon
Liked by: tiia?¿

Why did you ever get with Rob Birch😂? you're beautiful and he's horrible lmao

I don't know what I was thinking tbh, he cheated on me, then claimed he loved me like 3 weeks into our relationship. He needs to give his head a wobble and get in the bin. But ty aw 😘💖
Liked by: Kate tiia?¿

Thank you so much! That was very helpful. I'm guessing the pain will be like my tongue piercing, so that'll be worth it x

It will, it's the worst pain I've ever felt bar breaking my hip & tearing my ligaments, but it was so worth it x

Did your vertical labret piercing hurt to get done? Was the healing process painful? And how long did it take to heal? Also what are pros and cons about the piercing? Sorry about all the questions, I am considering getting one and would like info from someone who has it, and I must say it looks fab!

Nah it's cool. Yes it hurt, it was a strong 9/10 but I'm a wimp so. The healing process was painful to start off with. The swelling was the most painful part which lasted about a week. I had to drink through straws for this time and couldn't eat properly at all. It took about 3 weeks to heal completely to the point where there was no pain or anything. Pros: It's pretty asf I play with my bar a lot so it keeps me occupied espc when I'm nervous. Cons: I'm forever losing the balls espc on the bottom of my bar It does leave a significant ish scar, and a simple in your top lip It's a pain putting lipstick on And I have to wear tonnes of lip balm bc my lips get rlly chapped and dry espc in winter. If I can think of anything else I'll post it in a separate question aha, but it is worth the pain and all the fannying about. Good luck! X

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Liked by: Katie Thornton

What was the best thing you ever found on the street?

A 10 deck of Marlboro golds in Manchester with 9 cigarettes left in the box ❤️❤️
Liked by: Katie Thornton


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