
kai lora vassallo

Ask @hijinx

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Post the lyrics you wrote?

Rights & Riots - Despair & Design
My systems are failing, I'm out of control
You get me mad, but I'm on a roll
Who the fuck do you think you actually are?
Code red, we're going too far
What gives you the right to treat me like shit?
Treat me like this?
You took my childhood away
You fuck with my brain
I don't need your shit anymore
I'm high risk, certified insane
You just cram thoughts into my head
I don't need you, I don't need you
What gives you the right?
What gives you the right?
You don't deserve to breathe,
You don't deserve the air
for what you did to us, what you did to her.
You're a piece of shit.
I was a kid, a fucking kid
What gives you the right?
What gives you the right?

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Why the fuck are you laughing at somebody asking you if you're trans? How the fuck is that funny? You offensive bitch, I'm trans, they're asking a fucking question, don't fucking laugh at the word "trans". I'm not surprised you get so much shit, you're horrid.

Some of my best fucking friends are trans? I'm sorry if I offended you like, I didn't think the anon was being serious.

Just wanted to say, i think its pretty awesome of you to not grt shitty about leaving D&D. Takes a lot of maturity to do that. And i hope that the riot grrl band works out for you!:)

Thanks man. Sometimes enough is enough, and besides, I've been wanting to start a grrrl band for ages :')

Post Lyrics To Rights

RIGHTS - Despair & Design.
My systems are failing, I'm out of control
You get me mad but I'm on a roll.
Who the fuck do you think you are?
Code red, we're going too far.
What gives you the right to treat me like shit?
Treat me like this.
You took my childhood away, you fuck with my brain.
I don't need your shit anymore
I'm high risk, certified insane.
You cram thoughts into my head
I don't need you
What gives you the right?
What gives you the right?
You don't deserve to breathe, you don't deserve the air for what you did to us
What you did to her.
You're a piece of shit. I was a kid. A fucking kid.
What gives you the right? What gives you the right?
I don't need your shit anymore
I'm high risk, certified insane.
You cram thoughts into my head
I don't need you
What gives you the right?
What gives you the right?
I'm not naive, I can see what you do to me.
Why do you think you can fuck with people's heads?
Be a man, 'cause you're not
I don't need your shit anymore
I'm high risk, certified insane.
You cram thoughts into my head
I don't need you
What gives you the right?
What gives you the right?

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what's the best way to stop bad memories of a past relationship? It keeps being mentioned and I can't stop thinking about it/remembering it and I can't ask people to stop talking about it but I want to forget. SORRY and thank you! X

Distance yourself who bring up your past. You don't need toxic people in your life x


Language: English