

Ask @hotbxtchesandpizza

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If you were going to be stuck on an island with three celebrities, which three would you choose?

Bow wow ciara & 2pac if he was alive

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I think ur cool to chill with but damn, u move like crackhead dave chapelle#funny

Looooool what you mean

That's good. So would you teach me. I want to learn to crump though

I don't Krump I know people that do doe I want to learn to show ya self why you hiding

Oh oh alright. When you dance do you feel like it's you're way to express yourself

Yeah it's my way of showing the real me who I am what I've been though take out my stress like people think you gotta go hard and be really good you really don't just be you're self some people will understand ya dance some won't


Language: English