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Ask @id297407226

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Hahaha honestly speaking: Have you ever gotten a bare bottomed spanking? (as a punishment, NOT in sexual way) I hated those as a kid!🙈

Ah funny question.I do not write stupid English, I know what it is you ask me.Chicano decent questions and normal.

Lmao that's interresting! when i was in for a spanking my parents often said things like "this will hurt me more than it will hurt you" (yeah, right... 😂 ) or "if you don't behave now you won't be able to sit down down for a week!" what did yours say? haha

It doesn't matter what she said.

Якою була твоя перша думка сьогодні?

Вот думаю як мені вийти заміж порядно без всякого зальоту.І це краще хоч собі сама купила обручку на день закоханих типу одружена відчуття наймовірне коли я її ношу з собою.


Language: English