
Tiffy Jonas

Ask @iheartzendaya345

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Wellcom I will allwase understand I can't tell you her so I will DM you what happend ok I hope more people understand I love how you answer in a Long sentience it heps me with reading

I think i just got your dm on twitter.. Ill read it soon.. gotta prepare myself..accidents about cars really break my heart.

How do you do you, Zendaya, and Bella get so beautiful?? Do you 3 have like special beauty tips just between you guys? Because you 3 are gorgeous!

sdkjfskjfskjsdlkjsdkfjds AWWWWWWWWW this is too sweet! @Zendaya96 & @bellathorne ARE GORGEOUS!! im noooooooot even on their level hahaha but wow. this is sooo sweet hahaha. and sorta really adorable :)

true i hope maybe ill meet zendaya and ill probably think different..

I hope you will too! @Zendaya96 is a life changing person. Seriously, she makes you feel like you can fly <3 The girl is just too amazing for words :') im always on top of the world after being with her :)

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The car crash, ( sorry ) I'm @BellZenda193 it's me Laurran your so sweet to

Thanks for being so sweet and understanding :) Not everyone understands what happened....its nice when people do understand :)

You are welcome,I rember when we first became friends it was when u wher rilly sad I was shy inside to talk to mu but I did and I'm glad I sent you that tweet

awww what was i sad about? thats so sweet of you :) whats your twitter name if you dont mind my asking? :)

Who do you think is the most beautiful person in the World?

Girl? @Zendaya96 :') not only is she stunningly beautiful on the outside, but she is even more beautiful and lovely on the inside. my mind is blown by the beautiful person she is...its breath taking when you meet her.. because shes such a dream.. you just cant believe it <33...and for a guy? Joe Jonas.. hes the most gorgeous human being ive ever laid eyes on :O and his heart is even more beautiful to me..he has an incredible inner beauty about him and im completely in love with it.. they are both so beautiful to me :)
Liked by: Arianator

but unless your rich or have money then yeah maybe your dreams can come true . i once had a dream but as i got older things happen in life in which you give up on them and is not because you stop trying . its just because you. cant

anything can happen.. i gave up on a lot of my dreams at some point..sometimes you lose sight of things.. or feel differently..but.. things happen..if things are truly meant to be, they happen :') i learned that from Zendaya :') nuff said lol..shes made so many dreams come true :O ive lost count... her name should mean something with dream lol bec shes done SOOOOOO much for everyone <333

I just dont get you sometimes :p How can anybody be this amazing? Your like a dream i never want to wake up from :) Your the moment i never want to end :D If i could, i would jump up in the sky and pull down a star just for you, only to see if it would make you smile :)

This..is probably one of the sweetest things anyones ever said to me. how could i not smile :') Thank you! :')

Can you tell me a storie plese?

Once upon a time perfection was created. God took a little bit of the best things in the world and blessed us all with a wonderful sweet girl named Zendaya :) Now the world is filled with lovely things and happiness. The end. lol <3
Liked by: JT Smith

What advice would you give someone who wants to commit suicide because they are constantly being bullied and having a rough time at home?

I can honestly say that ive been through both and that im going through one of those things right now..I was bullied for a long time at a really bad part of my life.. I was so afraid.. i gave into everything.. i let them push me around and make fun of me..and it scars you.. it ruins your self confidence..it plays with your emotions.. when someone bullies you they can change your whole outlook on life..in a positive or a negative way.. For me it was negative..id hide and i wouldn't go to school and stuff..then one day, i just decided it was enough..and i stood up to them and i actually made friends with them..Usually when people bully you, its because they are insecure and often jealous. Or maybe that they have something going on that they are too afraid to talk about or deal with in a positive way..so they try to make you feel worse by making themselves feel better... That's really all it is.. If you commit suicide from the way people have been treating you, you're going to miss out on all of the wonderful things life has to offer you..somewhere along the line..someone is going to treat you really nicely and make you feel like everything in life is worth living for...For me, that's my best friend..she helped me when i was bullied, just by her love and support.. and same with losing my parents.. and being in the car with them when i lost them. i cant tell you how many different feelings run through my mind and my heart every single second.. Im constantly depressed, and i have days where i'm suicidal and i scare myself..but then i think..God brought me through everything in my life for a reason..if i take my own life, ill undo everything he did.. i know my parents last thought was that i pulled through.. and i have my family and my best friend...lots of wonderful people..Zendaya...the jonas brothers.. if i kill myself, ill never be able to have them back..and its the same way for you hun. there are lots of people in the world who love and care about you..they wouldn't want you to kill yourself because of things.. learning how to make it through the hard times is what life is all about.. and finding happy ones with the people you love and care about :) You have a purpose in life.... you're meant to be someone and change the world in your own special way :) When ever things seem unbearable, talk to a friend or someone who loves and cares about you and they will be there for you every time :) be positive always and always pray to God. he can and will help you through everything if you put your trust in him :) im not sure if the person is you or a friend..but who ever it may be going through the hard time..my heart is with you/that person and you are in my prayers always. i really hope i've helped. i know what a delicate subject this is. and im always here if you need a friend :)

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Liked by: hanna.

Thanks and you are welcome you are special to so are a lot of people I'm glad I have tweeter friends, you have been ther for me for ages

Aww you dont have to thank me. its a pleasure :)

what are your goals in life not as and actor or dancer but as regular person ?

To make everyone happy and help people reach their dreams :) To be all my parents have ever wanted me to be, to give my best friend everything she has ever wanted and to make her happy always :) ..Things like that :)...To travel the world? Thats always been a huge dream of mine :)

Thanks for the advice :) You really are the best <3 Thank you for being such a good friend and great person! :)

Awwww its no problem :) Thank you for being so sweet!!! and a good friend as well!! :)

Thanks tiffy I will be my self I will see how it goes,I have been shy to I hope u have a good year in school

There you go!! :) You're a special person. I dont see why everyone wouldnt want to be your friend :) awwww thanks hun you tooo!! :)))

What sound annoys you the most?

That stuff.. that they put food in? it makes this horrible squeaking sound and it kills me XD i cant stand it. my sister rubs it together all of the time bec she knows i dont like it lol.

Hi it's Laurran I'm going to school soon for year 10 I only have one true friend I try to make new friends but no one rilly likes me at school:( ? Help

Just be yourself :) if people cant like you for being yourself, they dont deserve you :) Also, if you put yourself out there a little it helps... ive always been shy, but after i gave myself a little push it helped.. If im too afraid to talk to the person, i write them a note..usually works :) but do what ever is best for you :) dont do anything you aren't comfortable with and dont let anyone talk you into anything just to be their friend :) You're better than that stuff ;)

Favourite song of zendaya?

Hmm..Favorite Zendaya song? :O Thats hard.. it changes always bec i love everything shes ever done..but Something to Dance For is like..my go to song..When ever i have a freak out about being in the car, i play that song..always helps and calms me down. its so beautiful and inspiring :)

How do you deal with losing a best friend over a stupid fight? And the your friend wont to listen or talk to you? Any advice? :(

Aww. Im so sorry about that...Well, If you are best friends, talking always helps. it may not be easy at first, but talking can really help. its so important to get your feelings out there and for you both to understand each other.. both of your feelings are important :) make sure you talk about what you fought about, and try to find ways to compromise so that things can be better for you both :) if you are truly best friends theres nothing you cant get through together :) very best of luck. hope things turn out great for both of you :)

You are one of a kind! :) Your like a Diamond, the biggest, brightest, rarest, of all. Your so rare to a point, people wonder if there are more like you, but there is only a handful in the world. A person like you is rare, your so unique, and special! :D You are gonna go sooooo far life!

This is just too sweet! And it means so much to me. Thank you so much! Im pretty sure im blushing hahaha XD Thank you :') You're pretty amazing :))))

What is your favorite way to spend some time alone?

Dont have alone time very much.. but.. i like to relax.. its something i dont get to do a lot... to just clear my mind..to not worry for once..to just have happy, positive thoughts. if i can have even 5 minutes like that, its a good day <3


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