
Indah Azkasefi

Ask @inxahazka

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Do you like parties with 12 people or parties with 60?

mau nya 12 tapi yg dateng ntar 9. udahlah gausah. yha

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Do you ever dream of winning a lottery? What would you do with your millions?

Hmm belum sih. Etapi mimpi nonton konser exo pernah sih and honestly i felt sooooo happy. Itu baru mimpi, gimana beneran ya? I would probably be the happiest lady then? Lol.

What always sounds like a good idea but never actually is?

'Getting back together'
Some of my friends have recommended me to getting back together since i reunited with 'him' from a couple of months ago either as a friend or a partner.
Yeah, it sound like a good idea but actually not?
Relationship is not an easy nor a sweety thing for me, because if he's not a right person then it just waste my time.
If you ask me whether i like him or not? Whether i'd like to spent my time with him or not? Then my answer will be 'yes'.
Yet, if you ask me 'why don't you getting back together?' Give me time to find the answer because it's hard.
Lmao what i talking about.

Most important in a date: Intelligent or Funny?

Exactly funny.
A date for me is: can we just have fun together because we've been stress enough dealing with a lot of shits so //i// need a something to laugh at.

Can you sing and dance? If not, do you wish you did?

Wow kalau bisa aku udah jadi member girl band deh.

Describe your day in emojis!

i just study all day due for uni national selection test because wow i have 14 days left to fight, i feel ups and down but i'm thankful because not everyone have a same chance as me so i'll do my best.

What is the best way to say goodbye?

Give them a warm hug then say "love and take a care of yourself while i can't".

Best pick up line you've heard?

'i will wait for you'
lol, i still have to run and he's on the finish line already.

kalo kita suka sm co/ce, doi dingin di chat tp kalo kita titip salam ke tmnnya buat doi trs doi senyum2. gimana tuh?

mas/mba/dek, mending belajar deh daripada ngeribetin isi hati doi. ditolak ptn lebih sakit daripada ditolak doi.
may you have a great night.

Language: English