Ask @jawsh3

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Name some good songs? :)

No faith in Brooklyn - hoodie Allen
Waiting all night - rudimental
Bird machine - I forgot who it's by
Ill mind of hopsin 5 - hopsin
Maybach curtains - meek mill
Liked by: Antony Sep

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What happened between you and cameron sharp? Can you please explain from the very beginning, and include every detail to help us all understand. Take as much time as you need.

No nina ...

Dude are you seriously jealous of Cameron sharp ? :L it's pretty rediculous seriously it's likes on get over it you have a fair bit too :L it's just pathetic how you go out of your way to give him shit :L

I don't go out of my way. People ask me questions about him so I answer. And you clearly don't know what it over do you hahahahaha

Thoughts on Connor cs tuning Alex colmer/Kate shipway and his thing with Nyssa?

He doesn't have a thing with nyssa .. But if he has a 3sum I wanna hear all about it

go into your backyard and inside your backyard will be a goat and inside that goat will be a note and inside that note will be joke the joke might be funny but this is not a laughing matter josh

Why the fuck is there a dead goat in my backyard


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