Dude are you seriously jealous of Cameron sharp ? :L it's pretty rediculous seriously it's likes on ask.fm get over it you have a fair bit too :L it's just pathetic how you go out of your way to give him shit :L

I don't go out of my way. People ask me questions about him so I answer. And you clearly don't know what it over do you hahahahaha
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Latest answers from Josh

How come you don't reply to me after you came over and my parents came home?


so you aren't proud of it

I'm really not. my virginity is a sacred thing and it's gone ..... GONE

turn ons ?

good kisser.
not scared to make the first move sorta thing (I don't mind)
good ol tease never hurt much
rough uh huh I like that
neck kissin is a given
lip bites are okay but aslong as you ain't makin me bleed
and uhh yeah

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