
Jessie Hotchkiss

Ask @jesshotch

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Which is the funniest name you've ever heard?

umm there was a teacher in my elementary school with the last name Haggleburger xD

What is your favorite month of the year?

May :) Birthday Month, Last month of school, and it also has the nicest weather!

What sound annoys you the most?

people chewing gum...or when some people scratch themselves, it has this certain noise that makes me cringe xD

Are there any places you are afraid to visit?

one that i'd love and also be afraid of would be the holocaust museum in Poland...or Auschwitz concentration camp...I've wanted to go there forever

How you feel about our Maya'a dream coming true after so long??

I think it's adorable! I'm sooooo happy for her. She deserves the best :)

What is on the walls of the room you are in?

All of the autographs i have ever gotten. It takes up almost one whole wall xD it;s my room btw xD

Why do people smoke?

Because they're freaking SELFISH!!! Don't even get me started on this topic cause If you could hear me, I'd scream...


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