

Ask @jijaahmad

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every words of yours is just soooo....i'm in love!

awww thankyou so much! I am so appreciate for this!

PLEASEEE DO AGAIN AN Q&A ENTRY! or can I ask you some questions? or can I send it through email?

hahaha oh yeah I will In shaa Allah. That Q&A becomes hit among others. I will include my email address on my blog. Stay tune and thankyou for your support!

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korean song that u recently into, mind share

it is not a korean song but after i watched running man episode 278, there B.I from iKON covering 'Rocket' dance by Brian Puspos, huh i kept repeat that video-- it looks so cool and B.I is pretty good!^^

the book that you include in ur entry This is a love story, is it great? it sounds interesting

my opinion-- it is great.
the book is about love story obviously you can know from the tittle but it is separate into two story like the hero have his own life, feeling, what he is doing and it is also same for the heroin but the story is related to each other. Quite interesting bcoz we can know their own feeling for everything that include. So, actually both of them love each other and maybe you can call 'love at first sight' for the heroin but both of them couldn't express their feeling so it tooks years to express their love to each other -- the journey of their life is kinda cute and i love the story line! They fall in love of course in the end haha!
would love to recommended this book to you!

i love the kind of entry and every words of yours give inspiration for me, thx

this is so lovely! hahaha I just couldnt & never imagine people would read my blog--thankyou again for your appearance!

Happy birthday <3 Be a pretty girl, solehah, sorry for all my wrong doing, I hope you will always be loving me and that let you know I will always love you. Wuu dah besar hahaha, happy birthday my darl!

this is so lovely!
Thankyou so much, In shaa Allah I will, please guide me to the right way hm because I am human, I make mistakes, need a lot of attention but lets build our way to Jannah In shaa Allah.
Thankyou for always taking care of me, this make me feel special & of coz I love it.
again, thankyou ^-^

What is more important - to be loved or to fall in love?

for me, both.
to be loved; you know that person will always take care of you. give a lot of attention for you. She/he will know how your type, how to manage you, what you like & don't. They will just know everything.
fall in love; it is a sweet reaction from yourself. Hm, not everyone will appreciate love. You will always wanna spend time with the person you love & etc. And if it is your luck, you will be loved.

Tempat manakanh yg anda ingin pergi bersama rakan anda?

Cameron Highland! Holiday with friends sometimes must be great!


"That moment when
you’re in sujood and
your eyes narrate the
condition of your heart,
filling the prayer mat with tears,
your tongue only moves
to say “Ya Allah, Ya Allah”
And you feel like you’ve
transferred all your worries
and problems to Him and
when you rise up from sujood
your heart feels so much lighter
than it was before and at peace."
If this isn’t beautiful then what is.
Liked by: Aniaunirah

it was a long time not to ask you. So hey give me one selfie with your friend!

Hello! Hahaha. Um this is not a selfie but instead of it i wanna say that,
Aina Munirah!!!
We are really miss you!
Lets set a date and have fun!
credit to: aniaunirah

i love your tweets, so much! Tapi kenkadang, kebanyakkannya la you selalu tweet things that sad. Are you okay?

thankyou so much! em, im okay, a little busy.
Here, for you-
We are humans,
sometimes we found happiness,
but sometimes we will having a difficult test.
Look forward,
Pain is only exists to test you in life.
Allah will always with you.
Remember that.
Liked by: Aniaunirah

untuk kamu-kamu, sesiapa jua

jijaahmad’s Profile Photo리자
"Perpisahan adat hidup.
Kenangan cerita diri.
Orang datang dan pergi.
Kehidupan pastinya berakhir dengan kematian.
Jadi ketika kita masih bernafas,
dikesempatan masa yang ada gunakanlah
segalanya dengan bersyukur kepada yang maha kuasa."
Liked by: Aniaunirah

Awak, kadang2 Allah berikan pelangi di setiap turunnya hujan. Manusia akan tersenyum melihat campuran warna yg menghiasi langit mengindahkan lagi pemandangan. Terdetik perasaan indah setelah hujan menimpa bumi. Jadi, awak faham maksud di sebalik kata-kata ini? Untuk awak.

Allahu. Tak menyangka ada orang yang sentiasa ada di belakang untuk menyokong.
Ya, saya faham.
Setiap sesuatu yang berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya.
Setiap masalah yang datang pasti ada jalan penyelesaiannya.
Setiap kepahitan dalam kehidupan pasti ada kebahagiaan pada penghujungnya.
Kepada awak,
semoga sentiasa dirahmati Allah.
Terima kasih atas kata-kata yang membina.


jijaahmad’s Profile Photo리자
Imagine grabbing every
insecurity you have
gasping them tightly
in your hand
you can feel the anger
you can feel the pain
which these insecurities bring
now imagine taking them
and throwing them out a window
200ft high above the ground
you watch them fly away
never to return again
imagine that.
Liked by: NOOR IZYAN


kenapa nak mempersoalkan kehidupan orang lain?
Betul tegur itu boleh, tapi
berikan teguran yang membina,
bukan teguran yang melemahkan atau yang menyakitkan hati.
Masing-masing ada cara kehidupan sendiri.
Jadi pandai-pandailah bawa diri.
Bukan niat untuk menunjuk baik.
Lansung tak terlintas.
hati manusia
cepat terguris.
Cuba terkena pada diri sendiri.
Siapa yang suka diri sendiri kena bahan dengan orang lain, kan?
Liked by: NOOR IZYAN


Language: English