

Ask @jinxiekat

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Do you wear socks in bed?

if i'm ridiculously sleepy yes, but generally i don't like to since i toss and turn a lot so they start twisting and coming halfway off.

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What's the thing you say the most?

i asked dan and he said "S". as in calling my cat Soma. she answers best to S or Domie.

Would you rather be rich and famous or poor and happy?

i want to be famousish just enough for slight fame (for noticing)
money idc
money is nice

How did you come up with your username?

well, I guess I'll answer for both Darleesian and jinxiekat.
Jinxiekat came from a shortening of a name I'd used for a bit, 'huckleberry-jinx', which i took from a school worksheet on how to use commas (my cat's names are huckleberry, jinx, and I forget the other, but yeah) and i was like hm that's cute. and eventually it shortened to jinxie, due to my usage of the tag JINX on the in the groove leaderboardy things. -kat came about because jinxie was taken a lot of places.
Darleesian is a heavy corruption of a favorite song of mine's title/one of my cat's names, Elysium. It went through many changes to get to where it is now, including DeLeesio which was a joke last name I used on a few things. (You'll sometimes see me use the tag 'Lysi' as well, so that's why it's sometimes spelled like that instead of Leesy, due to character length)
I much prefer to use Darleesian because it's more unique and 'mine' than jinxie is.

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How many times do you hit the snooze button before getting up?

I've gotten better but it used to be like 10. Not an exaggeration

How many times per day do you shower?

per day? do people really shower multiple times a day? i mean, i have when I do like ridic strenuous shit or when i swim, or get really dirty, but showering that much is bad for your hair.

What's your favorite video game?

BIDEO GAEM? Probs still hit-arrows-to-music with whatever name you'd like to call it.

If you could be Challenger-level amazing at one champion, who would it be?

Big Captain
I was thinking Varus 'cause he's my bb but until he gets some buffs that wouldn't get me very far, so Jinx.


Now uhhhhhhh.... provided i get good internet and have free time hopefully in the next month???? MOVING IS FUCKING UP THINGS

How will you celebrate your next birthday?

idk, it's long enough away i can't say. will be in a new city. maybe i'll have ACTUAL FRIENDS /s

What is your favorite food that is unavailable (or subpar) at your home area?

Big Captain
good question. had to think on this for a bit. in Madison i went to a ramen place that had green tea creme brulee. at first i thought it sounded kind of weird but IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD. I want some again so gd bad. Have 0 idea where to even look for that anywhere.

Who is your favorite author?

i'll be honest, after I got out of school, I don't read much (OTHER THAN MY JAPANESE MANGAS~~~~) so I don't really guess I have one.


Language: English