

Ask @jocygabyg

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I got broads in Atlanta

If only more young people voted. Can't wait till us young people get older because then we won't vote stupid people for president. Then we'll have someone like Bernie and all the older racist people will be gone.

Do you have siblings?Do you get along with them?

Yeah I do and yes and no. One is 17 and the other one is 11. Me and the 17 year old grew up together because we're only 2 and a half years apart so we've always been together, but we also fight a lot. Especially when we were little. Damn we use beat each other up. Well I hit him more because I'm older. Then I've always taken care of the 11 year old. I always volunteered to change his diapers and feed him when I was a little girl. However, he has a short temper and can be a jerk, so we also argue a lot. Then I have a half who is 4 but he lives with his mom.

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Congratulations President Donald Trump!America is tired of the liberal agenda!

And you're sending me this because? I mean wow yay we have a racist, sexist, rapist, xenophobic, pedophile, etc man as our future president. Not surprised he won tho.

Which ask user would be a better choice as US president than Trump?

98% of the people here would do a better job than him. He's probably scared rn.

Can you remember your first day of kindergarten?

Yep I have really good memory. I remember the day my brother was born and I was 2 years old.

Have you ever flirted with a teacher to get a good grade?

Lmao nooo never. I couldn't be able to go through with it. I was always a good student so there was no need.

How would you feel if your alarm clock was replaced by a rooster?

Horrified because that sounds like a terrible way to be woken up. A couple years back I thought it'd be funny to put a rooster alarm on so everyone would be like wtf. Well it woke me up because I left it in my room and I couldn't find it. It was ringing for like 10 minutes and the whole house heard it. My dog was with me and he looked at me like wtf. I can shut an alarm up, but who knows when the rooster will shut up.

We were out late last weekend(not my choice! Ugh) and because I was whining about being tired, hubby stopped at 7-eleven so I could get coffee. Anyway, it was just creepy in that place late at night and I was scared for the cashier. Would you ever work in a convenience store on graveyard shift?

Never, ever. It's too creepy and there's too many crazy people out there. Btw this reminds me that there are these two males robbing people in my neighborhood. I'm scared now because they do it when you're alone but they don't care if it's day or night. They probably didn't think people would report because they're taking advantage of the fact that there are undocumented people living here and that they're too scared to call the cops, but hopefully they get caught soon.
Liked by: Thomas

Christmas is just around the corner. Are you getting ready for it? Have you started Christmas shopping yet? BQ: When do you put your Christmas tree up? Before or after Thanksgiving? BQ2: If you don't celebrate, what do you do on December 25th to avoid it?

I've been looking at Christmas trees because we need a new one. I'm gonna start Christmas shopping in the next couple of weeks. I usually put it right after Thanksgiving.
Liked by: Thomas

Are you normally on time or running late?

I am normally on time. I like to be early and hate being late. Actually at my last job the last month I didn't even care if I was late anymore because I hated my job. I still usually made it right on time or was 3 minutes late at the most. My last day I got there 10 minutes late but because there was terrible traffic but they didn't even care.

Ever lost something ,went and bought a replacement and then found the thing you originally lost in the first place?

Only once when I was little. We got this Mario game for a Gameboy when I was 6. About 3 years later we "lost" it and my brother had asked for a new Gameboy and wanted that game as well so we asked "santa" and he brought it. Months later we found the one we originally had. By next Christmas we both had asked for a DS and got it so we played the Mario game on our own DS and a bit later we actually lost the most recent Mario game we had gotten and we actually still have the one we got all those years ago. I still play it every once in a while.

Ever notice when you defend yourself against a verbal attack or an accusation it's you that's being difficult or you're the problem?

Yes I have. They try to act like I'm the whole problem and as though they did nothing wrong and when you try to talk it out in a mature way they'll say that I just want to argue and I'm just causing problems.

By request of @HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk have you ever egged anyone's car or house?

I wanted to egg some houses when I was 13 and 14 but got too scared at the last minute. I did end up randomly throwing eggs and tomatoes and I know it hit this apartment.
Liked by: eggsy

Education spam:What was your favorite subject in school?

For the longest time it wad literature. Then it was science as well, but for a short time. Then it changed to history when I got to high school.

What's a flaw about yourself you can openly admit?I admit I can be a short temped jerk

Yep I'm short tempered as well. I used to hate it, but oh well I don't really care as much anymore. It's a bad trait but we all have one.

How often are you hit on or flirted with?

Surprisingly it's gotten way more frequent over the past year. At my last job it was all the time. I start my new job Monday, so let's see what happens there. A couple years it wasn't too frequent, but things have changed in the past year.

Do you use Uber or another ride share service?

No I do not. I drive, so there's not really a need. If I were to go clubbing then I'd probably get an Uber because I know I'll be drinking.

Do you keep a diary or journal?How often do you write in it?

No, last time I had a diary I was 9 and I used to write stupid stuff. Like dumb secrets. I never put anything good.


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