

Ask @jocygabyg

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Do you like to babysit?If so you free Friday?I wanna take the wife our and need someone to watch the kids.

I love to babysit. Well except this one little girl. She's a very bad and rude child. I would offer to babysit your kids, but I live out here in Atlanta and you're in Las Vegas.

If you woke up one morning and found yourself trapped in the world of a board game, which board game would you want it to be and why? Which board game would you NOT want to be trapped in and why? (Some ideas: Monopoly, Clue, Life, Chess, Risk, Candy Land, etc.)

I would like to be in Monopoly or Life because I absolutely love playing those games. I usually get pretty competitive, but overall they're pretty fun. I know Zathura obviously isn't a real game, but that would be the last board game I would like to be at. After watching the movie as a child, I don't think I would even consider being in that game if it were real. For real games it would probably have to be Chess. I find that game very confusing and don't think I would enjoy being confused.
Liked by: Saydee

Are there any amusement parks or roller coasters near you?

There's six flags, but I'm not a big fam of amusement parks. I'm terrified of heights.

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pap of yoyr family?

I don't even like posting pics of myself here, so I'll leave my family out of here. I don't trust many people on ask.

what differnt ways did you get punished growing up

I was spanked and grounded. When I was grounded I couldn't go outside and either wasn't able to play my DS, gameboy, and PS1 depending on my age because as I got older I didn't have a gameboy anymore and got a DS. The PS1 was when I was like 6 years old. The PS1 was released before I was born, but my dad bought it in the early 2000s. Usually though I just couldn't go outside when I got grounded. Oh and a couple times I got in very bad trouble and couldn't watch this Novela. Damn that was a good ass novela. It was on from when I was in 3rd grade to 5th grade, which was great because novelas usually only last a couple months. Started everyday at 3 P.M and I used to get home at like 2 forty something. It was called Rebelde btw.

Yeah, what's your point then? Bobbi Brown isn't dead ??? you can't read about a dead Bobbi, just about a dead Bobbi Kristina. Weird, right?

Bobbi Brown is dead ok. Just because I didn't use her full name doesn't mean it's not her. I mentioned Bobbi Kristina Brown. You thought Bobbi Brown was the dad when his name is Bobby* Brown. When people say Michael Jackson is dead do you know who they're talking about? Or do you say "No, he's alive. Michael Joseph Jackson is dead. I used her first and last name. You knew damn well who I meant. When I die and people that know me are going to say Jocelyne Garcia is dead is someone going to step up and saying know she's alive because I they didn't mention my middle name and second last name. In fact if they know me personally they could probably just say my first name and they know who I am. You're just a troll looking for a argument or incredibly annoying.

Bobbi KRISTINA Brown and Bobbi Brown are indeed two different people. You were aware of this, weren't you? ?

Yeah I mentioned that.....

Well, Bobbi Brown is a make-up-artist and she didn't die so either way you were wrong ?

Bobbi Brown is Bobby Brown's and Whitney Houston's daughter. Dude wtf. I really don't feel like arguing about this. You can't just change the facts just because you feel like it.

Bobbi Brown isn't dead lol, his daughter Kristina is

Her name is Bobbi Kristina Brown......Bobby* Brown is the dad.

I've been in San Diego a couple days,did I miss anything?

In great news Mexico won the Gold Cup and in sad news Bobbi Brown died.

Have you ever gone whale watching?We went today and saw 2 grey whales and a ton of Dolphins

No I have not. I've wanted to, but never had the chance.

whats your favourite number and whats your least favourite number why-why not?

I don't have a favorite number, but I do have a least favorite number and it's 13. I just hate it. I hate the way it looks. Plus it makes me think of bad luck.

When's the last time you caught yourself humming a song you dislike?Which song?

Like two weeks ago I was humming fancy and I really dislike that song. I was only humming it because earlier I had heard it on the radio.

Who's the smartest person you've ever met?

That's a tough one. I've met a lot of smart people. My little brother is pretty smart. He's only 10, but already smarter than our parents and our 16 year old brother. Too early to say, but I think by the time he's in High school he'll be one of the smartest. I know this Korean guy and he's extremely smart. He was Valedictorian last May when we graduated and got a full ride to Georgia Tech and I bet he has like a 4.0 there. There was also this Hispanic guy who's also very smart, but I think the other guy is slightly smarter than him. He was the Salutatorian. Oh there was this Vietnamese kid and by the time we were sophomores he had enough credits to graduate, but he wanted to graduate with us. He went to another school after our sophomore year tho. Last year in my AP Bio class there were these 4 people who were also very, very smart. Like wow. One of the guys is the smartest, but in Math. There was this other guy who's also very smart, but he's lazy. He still manages to get good grades. I think the either the girl or this guy were the smartest. That guy got a scholarship to Emory. He'll be starting next month. I'm not sure about the girl tho.

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fav sunrise-sunset pic?

There are too many beautiful sunset pics for me to have a favorite. I thought this was one was cool looking.
Liked by: Ryan

when was the last time you had a nightmare? are yoy comfortable telling us about it? (remember full long answers)

I guess you can count last night's dream as a nightmare. Like it was half amazing and half scary. Anyways for the amazing part I just saw someone that I really care about and we had a great talk back in my room. Just talking btw. It was not a dirty dream. It just felt amazing to talk again. For the scary part it was the same dream and there was a demon in the camp we were at and we killed the first one. Then we figured out there was a second one and it was this guy I know. It was extremely hard to kill him, but I managed to kill him by telling him something. I just told him to think about his girlfriend and the damage he was causing her. People tried to take credit for what I did, but at the end I was given credit. Then at the end I was walking alone in some dark place and that was pretty scary. Then at the very end we were in this river and we had to get on to help others from not drowning. Despite the scary parts talking to that person made the dream seem great, but the demon part was scary because it felt so real. I also remember more details about the dream because I can usually remember my dreams pretty well, but I've already written enough and don't want to bore you with the details.

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Liked by: Thomas

1) have you ever been cheated on? how did you deal with.it? (remember full answers)

To my knowledge no. I had a feeling that one of my boyfriends was cheating on me, but he wasn't. At least to my knowledge he wasn't. I guess I didn't really have proof, but I had a feeling after he gave me a pic if him and you can tell it was cut and that he was holding this girl's hand, but that could've been his ex. I texted him about it and he said no. I should've just told him in person to see his reaction.

fav car-bike? fav actor-actress? fav season?

For a car it'll have to be a Mustang, Nissan, or Lamborghini. If by bike you mean For motorcycle then I don't have one. I do love motorcycles. I don't have a favorite actor. My favorite season is either Fall or Winter.


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