

Ask @jocygabyg

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What would you do if you were out enjoying a leisurely walk and all of a sudden, Snow White, a couple of dwarfs and a bunch of wild animals just appeared before you asking for help. What would you do? Would you assume you were hallucinating? Please explain.

I would assume I was hallucinating, but if I wasn't on drugs or it wasn't very hot I would think I'm going crazy. I mean they're not real, but I guess someone can dress up as them.
Liked by: Thomas

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What would animals say to us if they could talk?

Fuck you. You guys are the worst living things on this planet. You guys are greedy. You're destroying this planet and it's our only home. You're worried about other stuff being responsible for your extinction, but you'll be responsible for it. You care so much about money, which is important but try to eat paper when your waters are polluted and your crops are ruined. You guys have too much war as well.
Liked by: Thomas

How old were you when you "came out"... I'm in thirteen, but I know, i'm bisexual... Not sure what to do, how to tell people... Or anything! Help? :)

I never really "came out" because I never ever hid it. I was sure when I was 14 and I immediately told close friends and if it came up in a convo with other people then I would say it. I was never ashamed. I love it. Of course when I thought I was straight I said I was straight because I didn't know yet. Just tell them. I mean I don't think you should go around telling everyone you see. Just tell your close friends. I know some people who put it as their Facebook status. Do whatever you feel is right.

Please help me out!!! @ShaEeM385 is stealing my pictures, and pretending its her. Please call her out on being a fake. (she blocked me so I can not)

But her profile pic is her holding a piece of paper with that username written on it.

Who do you follow on Vine?

I love vines, but I don't follow anyone because I don't have an account. I just watch them on Twitter.

So I created this page with the hopes of spreading positivity and giving people an opportunity to acknowledge people with kind words.If you'd like me to send someone a nice message feel free to inbox me and I'll be more than happy to do it.

Ok. It's great you're doing this. I hope other people see this page.

Are you catious towards your anonymous fans "if i can say so"? Do you care that they must know how much you are polite and decent?

Some are very rude and ask questions that are too personal. Some are pretty cool.

Do you consider a man with a crippled leg as a handicapped? Why, why not?

Yes because he's still crippled even if it's just one leg. I'm not trying to insult anyone handicapped btw.

Do you think that some of those people who are asking you anonymously are smoking hot? Or they are just normal acceptable curious people?

Some can be very attractive and some can be not so attractive. Oh and I forgot to answer the second part to your question. I prefer lighter skin.

Do you think people with dark skin are healthier than those with a light one? And what do you prefer?

I think skin tone sometimes has to do with your health and sometimes it doesn't. Let's say you either are naturally darker or lighter, but you suddenly get a paler/yellow skin tone because of anemia then that is not healthy or it could be another sickness or disease. I've met very dark and very light and both have been very healthy and their skin tone had nothing to do with their health.
Liked by: Michael Warming

People know that there are unneeded details in 50 Shades of Grey, yet they are still reading the book or watching the movie. Why do they have such a conflict in their opinions?

I have neither read it or seen the movie. People either exaggerate or it really has too many details, but I guess that is an opinion. I say if you don't like it then don't read the book or watch the movie.

James Potter: Are there people in your life that you would lay down your life for without hesitation? Tell me a bit about those people and what makes them so special to you.

My parents and my siblings. My parents have been there for me since day one. I know as long as they live they will continue to be there for me. My parents had me at a very young age. My mom was 17 and my dad was 20 and they got married a month before I was born. They're divorced and I'm actually very glad because their marriage had so many problems and I won't get into detail. My siblings because I've known them all their life because I'm the oldest. Plus even though we argue I got their back. I want them all to live a very long and happy life. Out of my three siblings my youngest one is 2 right now and is my half sibling because my dad had another. Even though I don't see the youngest one as much, I still love them all equally.

A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?

She's a photographer.

Harry Potter: What expectations do you have for yourself? Do you put pressure on yourself to meet those expectations?

I have certain expectations about myself and sometimes they're way too high and I think well that won't happen. I try to have possible expectations, but have some that I'll be proud of. Sometimes I put too much pressure on myself, which gives me unnecessary stress. For the possible things I would like to graduate college and for now I would like to be an RN after graduating, own a house, and right now I'm hoping to go back to Mexico a couple years after working as a nurse here. I really don't want a mortgage and over there many people actually own a house. I'd like to have money saved up and it's common over to buy pieces of land to build something. Since my mom and dad bought me and one of my brothers one each when we were little I would like to build a house in one. I'm not sure if I would like to still be a nurse over there or something else I have in mind. Either way I'd like to pay for all of my parent's things, so they don't have to work. Since they're divorced I doubt they'll live with me. When I was planning to stay here for the rest of my life it just put stress on me. It's a lot less stressful to live over there. I feel like I'll be happier there too.

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Liked by: Pat⁷

Remus Lupin: Have you ever had a secret that you felt uncomfortable sharing with others? How did it affect your relationships with your loved ones? How did bottling it up affect you? Did you ever share it with anyone?

I have two extremely terrible secrets that I absolutely hate. I hate that I made those decisions. There's one that no one knows and I'll rather forget about it. Idk what I was thinking and I hate when I'm relaxing and I remember it. I have another one that I only told me best friend and she was understanding. It just made us closer.

Severus Snape: Have you ever been in love with someone who didn’t love you back? If you’ve never been in unrequited love, what academic subject could you see yourself teaching if you had to?

Yes I have:( and it sucks, but it's life and it's not the end of the world. That's all I have to say because I really don't know what to say and some stuff is too personal to talk about here.

Hermione Granger: Do you think you have more “book smarts” or more real life/practical knowledge? Do you want more of whichever one you didn’t pick? Explain.

It depends on the subject. I'm terrible at math and some science. However, I'm great at history and literature although not as good in literature as I used to be. There are also certain sciences that I'm great at. There are also some real life knowledge that I'm like duh this is common sense. There are some that I'm not so good at. I would like more book smarts because in this world or at least in this country and others it matters so much. Pretty much anyone very successful here has book smarts. Except singers or actresses. Not saying they're dumb, but that's not how they found success. Well some did. I mean look at Bill Gates he's a brilliant man and very successful. J.K Rowling as well(had to include her). She's a very gifted and intelligent writer and that got her success. Sometimes I wish our life was to hunt for food and seek shelter. I know that must be hard, but overtime it would become easier and our earth would be much cleaner.

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