

Hermione Granger: Do you think you have more “book smarts” or more real life/practical knowledge? Do you want more of whichever one you didn’t pick? Explain.

It depends on the subject. I'm terrible at math and some science. However, I'm great at history and literature although not as good in literature as I used to be. There are also certain sciences that I'm great at. There are also some real life knowledge that I'm like duh this is common sense. There are some that I'm not so good at. I would like more book smarts because in this world or at least in this country and others it matters so much. Pretty much anyone very successful here has book smarts. Except singers or actresses. Not saying they're dumb, but that's not how they found success. Well some did. I mean look at Bill Gates he's a brilliant man and very successful. J.K Rowling as well(had to include her). She's a very gifted and intelligent writer and that got her success. Sometimes I wish our life was to hunt for food and seek shelter. I know that must be hard, but overtime it would become easier and our earth would be much cleaner.
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Latest answers from Jocelyne

Hace tanto que descuidé esta cuenta... ¿Cómo estás?

Bien y tú? Quien eres???. Yo casi no estoy aqui?. El año pasado no me metí aqui por 6 meses.

What do you like to listen to?

Fucking love this song. Especially once that chorus hits??❤️❤️❤️??

Hi, how is your mood?

I’ve been so sick the last couple days. I was barely able to get out of bed the last two days.

What messenger do you use? Why do you like this one?

I mean I don’t think this is really a messenger app and I don’t really like site. It bores me now. I’m barely on here.

You guessed right. I wasn't being srs.

Welcome back Tom! You’re one of the few people I actually like from here.

Miss you

Wait are you really Tom? cuz I remember that being your username but idk can’t trust these other people here. Like I saw your mean girls answer but you were probably being sarcastic about it?

What is the longest you've ever gone without any sleep?

Like 30 hours. It was back in high school. I’ve been asked this multiple times here lol and I’ve told the story why I did, but I don’t wanna say it again. I’ve told it so many times?.

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