

Ask @jocygabyg

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How can I as a male help the feminist movement?

Really educate yourself about the movement and don't go to most feminists on here who seem knowledgeable because a lot of them here are terrible. When you see people talking bad about the movement stand up for it and educate them about what it's all about. When people ask you about feminism or about a topic feminism focuses on don't talk down to them and get angry about the question like certain people on here. Speak out about the movement as well. I'm no expert about this, but this is what I personally think you can do to help.

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Do you feel good today?

Now I do but as soon as I woke up and the first two hours of work I felt like shit. At the end of my shift I was like huh it isn't so bad here after all....at least for now.

This girl that im super good friends with believes that men should pay 22% of their income to feminist approved organizations to balance the wage gap. Do you agree or disagree?

I'm all for equal pay and all but I don't think this is a good idea. I mean I probably need to hear more about this plan, but it doesn't sound like a good idea.

At what age do children stop being cute and adorable and start being annoying little pricks?

Once they can form full sentences they start to get really annoying. They're still cute but they get annoying. Once they're about 11 or 12 they get terrible because they think they know it all and are always arguing and just can't possibly be wrong. I started to get like that at 11 and once I was 13 smh. Idk how my mom put up with me when I was 13. She probably wanted to strangle me. I was pretty bad to my dad when I was 12, but for different reasons.

Has the world always been bonkers? Are we just noticing it more now because of social media and other forms of media? Or is all the craziness a new thing? Please explain?

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
Omg yes it definitely always has. That's why I always tell people. I'm pretty sure if there were phones 500 years ago people would've thought the world was crazier back then. I mean this world is still a mess, but the way people were back then damn.
Liked by: Thomas

Does it ever seem to you that people enjoy watching other people fail?Why is that?

So they can feel better about themselves or so they can feel above others.


jocygabyg’s Profile PhotoJocelyne
Got a lot of questions and I'll get to them as soon as I can. My phone is barely working so I'm barely able to type this and I know someone asked me a question twice but I'm not ignoring the question

Is Santa bringing you coal this year or do expect to receive everything you desire? BQ: When you were little, did the threat of receiving nothing from Santa for misbehaving work on you?

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
I think I'll get some nice stuff. Yeah around Christmas I'd act extra nice and if I was being bad and my parents would say I wasn't gonna get anything if I kept being like that then I'd get scared and act extra nice but I was a pretty good kid

How ticklish are you

Omg I'm the most ticklish person ever. People can just slightly touch my stomach and I'll start laughing.

¿Consideras que existe una edad ideal para influir en la vida de otras personas? Mi pregunta se debe a que la profesión de educador tiende a ser subestimada, más mientras menor sea la edad de los alumnos.

DandeiMoya’s Profile PhotoDandei
No, yo digo que uno siempre puede influir la vida de uno. Aunque no te des cuentas que lo estas haciendo. Ni aunque sea bueno o malo.
Liked by: Dandei

I just did a dna test because I wanna figure out if I had another sister and a niece and eventually It turned out to be true I'm so shocked that I'm in a fucking dream right now ?

That's wild. What made you think she was your sister?

It's easier to beg for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission..Do you agree?

I hate begging so I disagree. I'm used to asking for permission, so it's not that bad.


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