

Ask @jordanhass

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Do you like short or long hair on someone of the opposite sex?

Both... it doesn't matter to me.

Any opinion on the first 2 Kingdom Hearts games? I know you hate anime but just curious.

I wish it was a Disney game and not some clusterfuck with Final Fantasy characters. It felt like some sort of clusterfuck fanfiction. Sora (my oc) meets Donald Duck and Goofy and Simba and Pooh.
But I love the soundtrack and worlds... nothing else.

Do you like the Kirby series?

Kirby is a fantastic video game, I loved the idea of using moves by the enemies to knock down other enemies. It's like some sort of ADD Version of Mega Man. Plus, Kirby is very cute and I really loved watching "Right Back At Ya", that was probably the best adaptation of a video game to cartoon.

Who was your childhood hero? Who is your hero now?

I never really had a hero growing up or right now. I tried my best to "not be like anybody else"... but because hero could mean anything, let's go with Batman and now, Deadpool.

What is the most dangerous animal?

Man, the inventor of the woodchipper, the chainsaw, the shotgun and the nuke.

What are some things that make you really happy?

1. Video Games that don't take themselves seriously.
2. Game Shows that are unpredictable
3. Having a Coke Freestyle Machine nearby
4. BBQ Chicken Pizza
5. Chocolate Lava Cake

Which day of the week do you hate the most?

Tuesdays. Mondays are okay because almost everybody is just as groggy as you are. Wednesdays is that "balancing act" of love and hate... and every other day is just 'tolerable'. My favorite day is Saturday.

What would you suggest everyone to try?

Listening to Music. Not creating music, but rather just listening to music. With so many genres and styles and variations even enough to know what a particular band "sounds" like and find the songs and beats that remind you of yourself and what you're going through.
Classical, Country, Pop, Rock, Metal, WubWub or "Alternative Rock" (whatever that means), find your style and find what you'll like in music. Because to say "you don't like music" is saying you don't like listening... unless you are deaf, then I don't know how to help you, except maybe feel the vibrations.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hw0ue44JZJkjordanhass’s Video 38435873296 hw0ue44JZJkjordanhass’s Video 38435873296 hw0ue44JZJk

What is your favorite make of car?

If I wanted to be "hip with the kids", I would say Scion. But I'm not trying to impress high schoolers to the dance. Others would say things like "Porsche" or "Ferrari" because they have unlimited amounts of money and can afford expensive cars. But when it comes to my favorite cars - it would have to be Chevrolet.
From the Chevrolet Sonic for the kids, and the amazing electric Volt, and the classics being the Camaro and Corvettes... I like them only because it's a classic american car company that knows how to make a wide variety of cars for all audiences... and know how to progress.
...just not the trucks and vans though...

Hey Jordan, what are you currently playing?

I just picked up Stuntman : Ignition on PSN, as well as Pac-Man Championship Edition, The X-Men arcade game and The Simpsons arcade game... ARCADE CRAZY COOL

What are you busy with today?

Well today I had to call checksystems to try and figure out how to sort out this banking issue. Additionally, I am busy studying up on driving in the hopes of getting my license really soon. Finally, I am learning about BecomeAHost.com and it's programs (sounds very exciting)
Also, I was busy hugging pillows and making a long-winded answer on someone who is really unimportant.

I would go to PWG shows with you except I don't live in the LA area, shows are usually on a Saturday but PWG hasn't even announced their next show since All Star Weekend 9


What did you dream about last night?

I actually can't remember, it wasn't anything silly as the time I hosted a modern take on Press Your Luck though.

Follow up from last question, why did you think SOPA and PIPA was good?

I don't think the bill when it was sent over was "acceptable" (it was added to other bills and spending), but I liked the original idea of people keeping their intellectual property and licenses and getting protection over copyright infringement. If people sold dvds of movies or television shows without getting their consent - they have the right to sue and take it down.
That means that movie reviewers would need permission to use footage from the company to use it. (This should be necessary, even if you are claiming "fair use", as your claim generally has to be zero profit). This means if you're making an abridged series - get permission from whoever has the license.
If you're making an AMV - contact the license of the music and the company who owns the footage. It's an extra step, but it's way easier than just "taking it" then complaining when the company finds out and takes it down for copyright.
The reason I was in support of this happened right around the time of Michael Jackson's death. When he died, his music was played everywhere (with payment to the estate), but when you saw bootleg t-shirts with Michael Jackson's face on it being sold blocks away from a funeral, that was upsetting. A man not only is profiting off a guy's death, but not sharing some of that to the estate.
I treat each movie and show with it's own branding and likeness that's one of a kind. Each show, is similar to a patent you'll find in a business. Would you like to use part of Back to the Future? Just contact Universal Studios. You like to use my patented fabric for your clothes? Contact this manufacturer.
(but giving them control over the internet, is something I wasn't ever for. especially when you can't watch tv shows on their websites unless you are a customer of a certain satellite or cable company)

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