
Joseph Hall

Ask @josephfishhall

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How much per calculator? give me time.date.price.loaction. lookin to buy.

I charge 10 for a usual, 20 for a scientific and 50 for a graphics. I sell the outside the pixie streams after school on a wednesday.

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whos the brains behind the business

well i heard about this sort of stuff going off in brazil. i did some research and realised there was noone doing this kinda stuff in nz. so i just kind of imported them off my friend Juarez.

where do you keep the calculators?

well i have a fake bottom in my desk draw and when you open it up.... BOOM there they are. iv got all sorts graphics, scientific some cellphones with some calculator tools in it.

remember when you used to smell like a lemon!! rangeview kapahaka 2009 :D

Hahaha of course mate I smelled amazing


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