
Alexandra Kat

Ask @kataskme

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What time do you usually go to sleep?

Hhhmm... I don't know (again)... Sometime after 12 some others about 9.. Just when I feel tired... ;)

Could you live without a computer?

I don't know! :-P Ok, what do you mean? If I was borned without a computer, it's be ok, but if you mean to leave te computer now, also I could live but I don't like the idea! ;-)

Have you ever thought about becoming vegetarian?

Yes, a lot of times! Because Ilove animals and really don't like to eat dead animals... But it's ok for now!

Have you been to any cool concerts lately?

The last was about one month ago and it was locomonto's concert. Locomontois my favourite band, so it was really cool! A amazing night! ❤

Language: English