
Kenzie DiBella

Ask @kenzibella

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An who the f*** said the kid had no balls that's one of the hardest things to come out and say I wouldn't mind punching the kid who said that in the face

TylerBrock’s Profile PhotoTyler B
True. But don't start any fights

Yo bro idk who you are but it's fine to say who u are that you like her. Your right she is really pretty and nice and smart I liked her to and ik it's hard to come out and say but you don't have a chance with her if you don't say who u are. Take a chance...she's worth it

TylerBrock’s Profile PhotoTyler B
Tyler thank you so much. That was really sweet.

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You would most Likely find it strange if I continue saying I love you, after you say you don't like me. (I was commenting on the other persons comment when I wrote it, that's why it has your name, and says she, her)

Just tell me who u r pleaaasssseeeeeee

What do you think about Tyler Brockson

Lol Ty Ty is my amazing awesome friend. He's my bro and a really great friend. Lol gotta love that kid:)
Liked by: Tyler B

If Mackenzie says no, then it will be weird if I continue saying I love her because she will know its me and will disregard it.

Wait what

Saying that is like saying y should u try out for a sports team? U probably wont make it anyway...but y not try!!!!

Good example....?


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