
Kevin Karam

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ma t5af ba3rif enfokh bas bel laban ma ba3rif eno plz ya3ne chu elet ma3e ha2 lara charmota aktar men angela hahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah hay l ha2i2a bro :')

Liked by: Luciana

El charmouta aktar men angela hiyi lara :')

Wahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha w el ahbal men the question of the day houwe enta a5555 ya alaaaa man ent etoule :")
Ent batal waheshhh!!!✋
Yalla enfou5 bel laban :o b5af ellak nfe5o w t2elle 3alemne enno hek ba5a3etne bhes enno mno2chot be joura ad jourtak wle kbir el anon ✋

bro maba3refa lal benet w ess stofel bro bs ken bedde koun mnih ma3ak !

Tb bss ta3refa teb2a elle 3ana :|
Anw hbb :p mech 3eyiz 7adan tayse3edne na2e ref2ate aw yi nabehne menon ati3 be eshya mabtet5eyalon
Tc broo thanks anw ❤️

la2 3m ellak ta tbattel te7ke ma3a kermelak 5ayee !

Enta walla ana ba3refa aktar :| !?
Eza enta maale trekne et3araf 3aleya w beb2a bfakir be li eltelle ye :|
W eza ana ensa el mawdou3 :p
Chou bedak fiye :")

ktir mahrou2a ayre fiya :p helwe bs cheyfe hala ktir :l w bt dalla mdaperse mch 7elo hek :l

I told u..
U knw her name not her story
Yh bedala mdaperse bss maba3rif eza ntabahet enno elet she's a broken angel yh maybe...
Anw ra2yak bel niheye w mech jabrak theba :")

bhessa charmouta that's it

U knw her name not her story broo
Never judge a person u don't knw
Eza chi nhar t3arafet aaleya tzakarne w oul enno kenet 8oltan
Liked by: Luciana Tynaa

If someone knows ur in a bad mood and ur not really fine (someone that s really close to u) instead of helping u throught that hard period that person hurt u more and u don t really know why ... what would u do? would forgive him instantly or would u do smthg else?

I always forgive but never forget
So i forgive him
And when ur in a good mood u go and talk with the person and try to understand why he did that to you
Cause when ur a bad mood don't ever take decisions alone or make promises !
Something else i can help u in? /:
Liked by: Luciana

i think fi banet nsitoun :( im shocked ma32enak yu talk to them everysingleday

W Murielle ?
Ho hene ?


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