

Ask @kkeeaarraa____

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What do you look for in a relationship?

I look for someone I can be myself around. Someone who has the same interests as me but also doesn't so then there's something new I can learn about them. I want someone that's gonna devote their time to me but also things that are important to them because if you don't let them have time to their selves then they won't be happy. I want someone that's not gonna be up my ass 24/7 but they'll still talk to me. Lastly I look for someone that's gonna make time to see me. Not someone that's gonna tell me we're gonna hangout then blow me off. You need to hangout to make the relationship work, not being able to hangout or see each other just doesn't work.

Are Alyssa and you closer or Zoey and you?

Zoey but alyssa will always be my go to person and my best friend because shes been there all my life.
Liked by: Alyssa madds

Did your parents have those glass thermometers for when you got sick where there was one that came in a blue case and another that came in a red case?

stop asking me these dumb ass questions


Language: English