

Ask @lidwitines

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Would you rather have your child grow up to be kind or smart?

To be sehat rohani dan jasmani agar memiliki akhlak baik dan ilmu yang cukup.

tin tin knp ya yg nanya via shoutout kebanyakan ngomongin mantan huft

Ikr. As if gada yg lebih berbobot dari itu, nuklir kek, buku kek.

Kapan dan di umur berapa sih seseorang itu bisa jalani hubungan serius tanpa ada kata main main?

Tergantung orangnya mau kapan.

Apakah tiga hal yang tanpa keberadaannya membuatmu tidak bisa hidup?

God, makanan, rindu. Yeah, rindu makes me alive.

Film apa yang membuatmu menangis?

Film yang sedih. Masih normal saya sih, kalo film lucu ya ketawa, film thriller ya ngeri dikit.

Have you ever been in love?

I've always been in love with things I think I suppose to love. Hingga akhirnya negara api menyerang and reveal the truth hala

If you were a farmer, what would you grow?

Tulang ikan mas-nya bawang putih, biar kalo tumbuh jadi pohon berdaun emas, terus diambil dikultur dibanyakin semua orang punya emas, emas jadi tidak berharga. Sekian.

Apa cara terbaik untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal?

Nothing is better than directly spit it all out without any commas nor ambiguous words left behind. No need to give him/her/them any interpretation that you'll be back in the matter of time. If you intend to leave, then leave. If things just didn't go the way it should go, then it might go well in some other ways that didn't match for you two/three/four whatever. Go and find this person or people. Some says it hurts being left by those we love, then, do not too harsh on him/her/them if you know they love you. Tell them why should you leave, it is better to know why we are being left than unreasonably being left.
Yea, I had so many k-dramas lately.
Liked by: Risya

what is your favourite band?

If favourite means I listen to all of their albums, knowing all the lyrics in exact and read all of the their biographies. Then I barely have one. Hahaha. But I listen to Barasuara, Oasis, Radiohead and Banda Neira the most.

Halo, Manakah yang lebih baik menurutmu? menjadi orang yang sangat fanatik terhadap suatu keyakinan (Sepenuhnya menganggap keyakinan lain salah) atau menjadi sangat terbuka terhadap apapun? Jika tidak merepotkan, bisa disertai dengan alasannya. Ngomong-ngomong, selamat beraktivitas :)

FrederickRopinus’s Profile PhotoFrederick Ropinus
Ga keduanya. You placed "sangat" at both statements, to me only "terbuka" is good enough for the time being. Say it I am a little bit conservative and so, yet for me being a sangat-terbuka person is already a big no. Ya jelas aku milih terbuka, tapi gapake sangat. Sangat make it sounds super, tapi ternyata ada nilai-nilai konservatif yang masih aku pegang. You know what it is. Hehe.

Share something you're grateful for today.

I've just read something about losing ourselves through thing yang ternyata sangat toxic?
Saya tbtb bisa sangat relate bacaan tersebut dgn keadaan saya, and more likely I even on that state for the time being. Cara Tuhan buat ngingetin emang suka ajaib.
Liked by: Даша

What is better than chocolate?

Life. The sweet, the bitter, the sour all mixed together dan itu lebih baik. Hahahaha

Pernah ga kalian tiba tiba nangis gara gara denger lagu? Kalau iya lagu apa?

Epilogue-nya Olafur Arnalds. Ga nangis ini cuma ena z.

Hai, apa kabar? kalo kabar baik, cerita sedikit dong tentang pengalaman baik yang kalian rindukan:) Terima kasih

Life's been recently, good?
Pengalaman? Hm. I don't really want to choose one since I feel like everything that I had, shaped me today. Yet, I'll tell you one thing. A moment ago, a friend of mine passed away, he was one of my first team mate during high school, we did a play, titled "Sendu di Wajah Ayu". We weren't that close though except for the play at the moment, but I shed my tears once I heard he's gone forever.
I, sometimes, hold myself to say hi to those around me who've had spare their time with me.
It indeed is a regret.
Regret will do good if it changes the way I stroll around from now on.
It was quite an experience.
Liked by: Frederick Ropinus

About "What's something every teen know", it's hard to do your suggest, you know?

Ngga tau. Susahan disuruh menggambar kingdom plantae dan animalia puluhan spesies dan harus representatif disaat keahlian gambarmu cuma sebatas gambar ikan tapi looks like ular kobra.
Liked by: Anisa Agustina

What's something every teen should know?

You aren't here to live for the sake of another's life and yeah find things that makes you wake up early in the morning, smiling all day and have the urge to constantly doing it. Paling penting sih, bahagia, jangan lupa bahagia. Bahagia. HAPPY.
Liked by: Frederick Ropinus

menurutmu, pasangan romantis itu yang gimana?

Time changes and so does my standard on romantic aelah, ketika ku kecil dulu ku kan bilang yang romantis itu seperti pangeran-pangeran disney, ketika ku beranjak remaja ku kan katakan yang romantis itu yang berikan bunga, berikan balon, berikan barang dll. Sekarang sih whatever he does, he already is romantic, not in any certain ways, not in any particular words. He just, well, he is the romantic itself.

kak sukaa apa?

Aku suka kalo bpp-smd cuma jadi maks 30menit perjalanan tks. Gadeng wkwk, boleh req handmade ga? simple kok, maunya foto swat seangkatan terus di belakangnya ditulisin nama seangkatan plus nama panggilannya terus di frame. Iya Itin banyak mau.

Sekali sekali fact nah (gak kenal ignore aja)

Enggar punya kembaran namanya angger anak tenggarong pas bayi kata-kata yg pertama diucapin "rrrrr" hehehehe anak basket pinter eksak sohibnya jendri tp jendri udah ninggalin km ya sekarang pukpuk'-'/ nggar kapan2 ajarin aku dong biar kita bisa meraih masa depan bersama


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