
Peter Coffin

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Latest answers from Peter Coffin

Are you a hero?

No, I'm not. Is anyone who isn't like... a firefighter or something totally morally unambiguously good really a hero? And even then, who's to say the firefighter isn't morally grey in their actions outside the fighting of fires?
What if their hobby is shitting in the middle of the floor in public restrooms? What if that is how they celebrate saving a life from the red-hot clutches of burning death?
Are they a hero?

Favourite horror actor of all time? NOT counting Pixels. :P

TheMadWelshman’s Profile PhotoJamie Durbin
Johnny Depp, who was in Nightmare On Elm Street in 1984 and therefore totally counts as a horror actor and I can remember his name.

do you/did you have a good relationship with your parents?

I have a good one with them now but I was definitely one of those "act out"-y teens.

Why are parents overprotective?

Because they aren't thinking about how hard things will be for you when no one can do them for you.

Every time I accidentially do something wrong i feel like i am going to go to hell. I dont know why i always have that feeling. How do you think I can overcome that?

I'm not saying this because I think you should change or because I'm intolerant of your beliefs, I'm saying this because it helped me: I feel that believing in hell doesn't help people, it messes them up.
If you meant figurative hell, though, I can probably offer very little. This is an issue a therapist should help you with, because it's likely complex and built on something that happened specifically to you in your life.
What caused it for me is religion, and I've worked pretty hard to get past that. I don't below that guilt is healthy, I think it's a feeling you experience when you can't fix something you're responsible for. Except you can fix it, and it probably wasn't black and white "your fault." We play the blame game more heavily with ourselves than anyone else, more often than not incorrectly so.
I mean, is it healthy to feel bad overt doing something terrible? Yeah, probably. But the vast majority of what we feel very guilty over is not a murder. It's like... Forgetting to start dinner on time. Just start it now. Feeling bad about it doesn't get dinner cooked.

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So you would only be in a movie for the money, and not for the thrill of just being in a movie in the first place?

This is probably in reasons to the Paul Blart question... Honestly if I wasn't writing it, I wouldn't feel like I owned my character, so it would matter less to me. I'd like to have fun with it, of course, and it would be a valuable experience.
But it would be stupid of me not to put my family first in that case. Yes, money would be a big motivating factor is neon in a Paul Blart movie. I would obviously do my best, but hell.
I don't know if you realize I don't come from money at all. Having even what is considered bad pay for a very successful family film would be amazing for us.

Which do you like more, Adventure Time or Regular Show?

Definitely Adventure Time, and I feel like that says something about me as a person. I love the random humor but I love the deep, dark, & unsettling tone and world.

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