
Lydia Jones

Ask @lydiaj0nes

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This is not nice. bruce is being a knob. he deserves you not some ginger whos going to mess him about all the time

wow someones egre but thanks?

bruce obviously fancies the pants off you

the thing is...he actually doesn't and no matter how many times you bring it up it's not going to change how he feels ok.

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Atleast you arnt doing what grace did and just not giving bruce a shance bcos of his looks

grace didn't do anything, she cant help how she feels!

you look a bit like brooke vincent (sophie webster from coronation street)

omgomgomgomg my mum even said this to me a few weeks ago ;O

You look cute when you smile just want to give you endless hugs and tell you how cute you really are

ah this is fucking adorable, thankyou

wheres your 22 rt tweet then hahahahahahagagagagagagagsdlgkjbgprbg

'@_lydiaj0nes: I hope her parents see it, remove her ovaries with a fork, then staple them to her face #tampongirl'

for every like do: you are [x]cute [x]pretty [x]hot []average []ugly, your my . . [x]friend []good friend []best friend []family []stranger, i would . . [x]hug [x]smash []pass []kiss on the cheek []none what i would do with you . . [x]date [x]flirt [x]friendship []none

reeceyyb’s Profile PhotoReeceyyb
Thankyou :* xxx

Opinion on Reece Turner?

He's such a lovely person honestly, used to speak to him all the time and its nice speaking to him again! Feel like I could tell him pretty much everything. He's just so nice aw


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